List of Richard Dempsey Films

Richard Dempsey
The Last Vampyre

The Last Vampyre


Sherlock Holmes investigates strange and tragic happenings in a village that appear linked to a man who seems to be like a vampire.

The Barber of Siberia

The Barber of Siberia


Douglas is a foreign entrepreneur, who ventures to Russia in 1885 with dreams of selling a new, experimental steam-driven timber harvester in the wilds of Siberia. Jane is his assistant. On her travels, she meets two men who would change her life forever: a handsome young cadet Andrej Tolstoy with whom she shares a fondness for opera, and the powerful General Radlov who is entranced by her beauty and wants to marry her.

Le Barbier de Sibérie

Le Barbier de Sibérie


En 1885, un inventeur fou imagine une machine à déboiser qui faciliterait l'exploitation des immenses forêts de Sibérie. Pour obtenir l'approbation du tsar, l'inventeur utilise le charme d'une jeune femme, qui doit approcher un général, commandant l'école des cadets de l'armée russe et membre de la commission technique qui pourrait faire accepter le projet. C'est le début d'une terrible histoire d'amour et de déportation sur fond de mise en scène des Noces de Figaro, de Mozart, « un grand compositeur ».

The Last Vampyre

The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes season 6: The Last Vampyre

Guest Star

Holmes investigates a killing which has all the hallmarks of the worst kind of Ruritanian vampire. He is sceptical (to say the least) about the possibility that the undead are up to their mischief just a short train journey from his rooms in Baker Street. If a local resident really found his South American wife sucking blood from their young son, what might it signify?