List of Albert Finney Films

Albert Finney



The classic Charles Dickens' Christmas ghost tale told in musical form.

Miller's Crossing

Miller's Crossing


Set in 1929, a political boss and his advisor have a parting of the ways when they both fall for the same woman.




An orphan in a facility run by the mean Miss Hannigan, Annie believes that her parents left her there by mistake. When a rich man named Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks decides to let an orphan live at his home to promote his image, Annie is selected. While Annie gets accustomed to living in Warbucks' mansion, she still longs to meet her parents. So Warbucks announces a search for them and a reward, which brings out many frauds.




An exploration of the United States of America's war on drugs from multiple perspectives. For the new head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the war becomes personal when he discovers his well-educated daughter is abusing cocaine within their comfortable suburban home. In Mexico, a flawed, but noble policeman agrees to testify against a powerful general in league with a cartel, and in San Diego, a drug kingpin's sheltered trophy wife must learn her husband's ruthless business after he is arrested, endangering her luxurious lifestyle.

La più bella storia di Dickens

La più bella storia di Dickens


È la vigilia di Natale del 1860 e tutti si sentono più buoni. Tutti tranne il ricco Ebenezer Scrooge che non sopporta né le feste, né la gente e men che meno il suo segretario Bob. Di notte però Scrooge viene visitato da tre fantasmi: uno gli fa rivivere la sua giovinezza, l'altro lo porta a casa di Bob e il terzo gli prospetta un lugubre futuro. Al suo risveglio Scrooge non sarà più lo stesso. Musical natalizio tratto dal classico racconto di Dickens. Vale la pena vedere Finney come Scrooge e Guinness che fa lo spettro.

Muchas gracias, Mr. Scrooge

Muchas gracias, Mr. Scrooge


En 1860, un personaje tacaño y malhumorado que odia la Navidad, Ebenezer Scrooge, detesta a la gente, explota en su banco a su empleado Bob Cratchit y a sus clientes, y tiene un áspero tratamiento hacia su propio sobrino y conocidos. En la víspera de Navidad es visitado por el fantasma de su antiguo socio, Jacob Marley, quien le dice que tres espíritus lo visitarán a lo largo de la noche. Fue nominada en 1971 a cuatro premios Óscar: a la mejor dirección de arte, al mejor diseño de vestuario, a la mejor canción original (por la canción «Thank You Very Much», de Leslie Bricusse) y a la mejor banda sonora. Albert Finney (el protagonista) ganó el Globo de oro al mejor actor de Comedia o musical en 1971.