Saturn 3 (1980) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Saturn 3
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

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Sex & Nudity


Nudity: Completely naked male rear view A woman is briefly seen topless, her breasts are clearly seen.

Violence & Gore


Farrah screams while she's being manhandled by a robot. Farrah screams while a robot cuts off some guy's hand and it's laying on the floor right in front of her where she's laying on the floor hardly wearing anything below the belly button. Farrah screams a lot during the movie. It's not a good day for her. A pretty old formula of sex and violence.



Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Several references to "blues", "blue dreamies", a sleeping pill of sorts. However, two characters take the pills together, and are later seen passed out, appearing to have been having a party of sorts. Smoking: None

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Farrah has something stuck in her eye, and Harvey Keitel forcibly holds her head still so his creepy robot can tweezer it out of her eye. I think I'd scream too if a freshly, violently amputated hand came flying at me. It's an old-school treatment of a sadist getting vindictive.