They Call Me Trinity (1970) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

They Call Me Trinity
MPA: G BBFC: PG Maturity Rating 7+

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Sex & Nudity


None. Only in one scene trinity swims with two women but they all are fully clothed. Trinity mentions to Bambino that their mother is currently running a whorehouse in another town.

Violence & Gore


Two outlaws try to shoot Trinity as he walks out of a saloon. But Trinity turns around real fast, with his gun drawn, and kills them both. Bandit gang leader strikes Trinity on the cheek and Trinity punches him in the face. Street shootout. Trinity and his buddy teach mormons hand to hand combat. A barroom brawl. Huge brawl durring the climax.



Mild profanity.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Smoking: In multiple scenes characters smoke cigars Drugs: None Some drinking. A character is shown drunk several times. Drinking whiskey.

Frightening & Intense Scenes
