A Time to Kill (1996) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

A Time to Kill
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for violence and some graphic language.

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Sex & Nudity


Sandra Bullock's character makes a pass at Matthew M's character but he declines, nothing else happens. The opening segment of this movie shoots the rape scene from the eyes of the 10 year old victim. You see the two men tying her up, one of them getting undressed, and them thrusting on top of her. It is not particularly graphic, and there is no nudity, but it is very emotionally disturbing. Blood is seen on her body.

Violence & Gore


The opening segment of this movie shoots the rape scene from the eyes of the 10 year old victim. You see the two men tying her up, one of them getting undressed, and them thrusting on top of her. It is not particularly graphic, and there is no nudity, but it is very emotionally disturbing. Blood is seen on her body. We later see the girl bloody and disfigured in a hospital bed. She lives, but can never have kids because of the rape. There is a brief scene in which Carl Lee shoots the rapists. Not very gory, but the dead bodies are seen in pools of blood. A woman is hung up on post by members of the KKK in her underwear and her head is slammed against wooden pole. A man is cut on the leg. Some blood is shone as a woman cleans the wound. A large town-square scene of African Americans and non-racist whites vs. KKK members and racist whites. Not very bloody, but it is brutal. The brutal rape and beatings of a 10 year old child are discussed very graphically in a court session. A character is set on fire and he later dies. Several beatings 1 of which is fatal. Several cross-burnings and a house is burned down. A National Guardsman is shot in the head (some blood). He survives but with serious injury.



1 misuse of "God," 4 instances of the 's' word, 1 of "damn," 1 of "crap," 1 of "ass," and 1 of "piss." Many derogatory uses of the 'n' word. A woman 'flips off' a man (shows her middle finger).

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Drugs: None People drink and drive. Many people drink and smoke at bars and restaurants. Two characters are alcoholics. We almost always see them drunk or drinking to get drunk.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The opening segment of this movie shows the rape of the 10 year old girl from the victim's perspective. It is emotionally intense and disturbing. Lee lunges into a room and shoots both rapists dead. The KKK is a big part of this movie and they terrorize and brutally beat people. A couple of characters are very menacing. A very emotionally disturbing and frightening movie.