Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Omen III: The Final Conflict
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

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Sex & Nudity


A reference to a man being a "faggot." A moderate-to-strong sex scene. A woman is seen laying down nude on a bed. She gets up, and the side of her left breast can be seen. She walks toward a window, and the side of her breast and her buttocks are clearly visible.

Violence & Gore


Content of scene: mild moderate graphic Two men attack another man stabbing him with daggers (blood splashes on both their faces). They are then chased by Damien's dog into an empty well and sealed in it to starve and dehydrate. One other stabbing takes place in the film (neither are graphic). A man hanging from his leg is burned alive while wrapped in plastic.(his burnt up carcass is shown afterwards) A man shoots himself in the head.(blood/brain matter splatters on a wall behind him) On a sculpture of Jesus, a man squeezes his hands on its spiked crown.(a trickle of blood rolls down its face) A man is burned with a heated up iron.(his left eye is shown burned afterwards) A man is attacked by a pack of dogs (presumed dead, but nothing is really shown) A man falls off a bridge.(the impact isn't shown) A brainwashed mob is sent out to exterminate infants. Many of the scenes are mild.



some mild language 2 occurrences of the "s" word.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some drinking and smoking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Rated R for strong horror violence and disturbing images. Quite a bit of the movie is meant to be intense and disturbing.