Cry-Baby (1990) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+

BBFC Reason
Contains one use of strong language

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Sex & Nudity


Several teenagers French-kiss. A teenage girl makes a comment about "boys with roamin' hands and rushin' fingers". A man bathes himself in a metal tub outside a shed. A man is an obvious pervert/pedophile (in a deleted scene, he has a warehouse full of young people in incriminating sexual positions). Mostly mild sexual innuendo.

Violence & Gore


A young man punches another in the face; the other punches back and the first goes down. Gang fights break out, although these scenes are usually played comically, with cartoon-like special effects. A young man tells about how his grandfather electrocuted another young man's parents (the other young man's father was the "Alphabet Bomber"; he bombed places in alphabetical order [airport, barbershop, carwash, drugstore])



1 or 2 uses of 'ass' and 'titties', and 1 use of 'fuck' (2 more in the Director's cut).

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A man and woman have a cigarette stand outside a high school and are selling to teenagers. A woman is smoking while in an iron lung. Several other characters smoke and drink.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The violence is mild overall.