The Video Dead (1987) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Video Dead
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

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Sex & Nudity


A woman comes out of the t.v. and takes off her dress as she seduces a teenage boy. Her long hair covers her breasts but we get a quick glimpse of her nipples. She then starts kissing the boy. The actor playing the boy was only 16 at the time. See an up skirt shot of April as she taken by zombie. A beautiful blonde seduces a young man in his dream/fantasy (she is wearing a bra).

Violence & Gore


A man gets killed offscreen at the beginning of the movie, his corpse is found with his throat slit and blood splatter on his shirt. A small black poodle gets killed offscreen. A woman who appears on a television screen has her throat slit by a man. A zombie gets it's hand cut off with a small hatchet, squirting blood can be seen. A man who just woke up gets killed by a few zombies (offscreen), his screaming can be heard. A woman gets strangled to death, her body gets stuffed into a washing machine (this scene is quite funny). A man who's reading the papers gets his head spinned around. A girl wakes up and sees a zombie eating a hand, she looks at her own hand and watches in horror at a bloody stump with blood squirting out of it. A boy uses a chainsaw to cut a zombie in half, blood and guts can be seen. The disembowled corpse of a young girl can be seen. A zombie gets shot in it's leg. A zombie gets shot with arrows. A zombie impales a man with an arrow. A zombie which is wielding a chainsaw gets decapitated by a boy, the zombie menages to force the chainsaw through the boys body. A lot of of graphic violence/gore. Many people are brutally murdered, a few are eaten and some of the zombies look quite gruesome even when they arent doing anything violent. A young woman is violently strangled quite brutally by a smiling zombie. She retaliates by plunging an iron into his head, resulting in gore right before she is choked to death.



A few s*** and a**holes

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A boy smokes pot and thinks he's tripping when the woman in the t.v. starts talking to him. A young boy takes out a bag of marijuana

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Includes scenes of graphic violence and gore.