Flash Gordon (1980) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Flash Gordon
MPA: PG BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+

BBFC Reason
moderate violence, language, sex references, discriminatory stereotypes FLASH GORDON is a sci-fi adventure, from 1980, in which three humans are transported to a distant galaxy where they battle a maniacal emperor who plans to destroy Earth.

BBFC Ratings info
FLASH GORDON is a sci-fi adventure, from 1980, in which three humans are transported to a distant galaxy where they battle a maniacal emperor who plans to destroy Earth. Violence: Scenes of violence include a woman's bare back being whipped, resulting in lacerations, as well as a fight in which two men whip each other and sustain bloody wounds during a fight on a spiked board. Language: There is moderate bad language ('bitch'), as well as milder terms such as 'bloody' and 'bastard'. Sex: Verbal sex references include a joke about necrophilia. There is a scene in which a woman who has been placed in a harem is offered a potion to make the experience 'more agreeable'. Discrimination: An alien character is coded as 'Asian' due to his hair and make-up, although he is portrayed by a Caucasian actor. The character derives from the film's dated source material, but some viewers may find the depiction offensive. There are scenes of mild threat and horror, such as a character's eyes and tongue bursting through a mask after he is killed.

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Sex & Nudity


No sex or nudity is shown in this movie. Women are seen in bikini types of dresses in space. Lot's of the kissing scene between men and women many occasion in the movie. A ruler has many concubines. They are dressed in form fitting nightwear. A woman uses seduction on multiple men, kissing is involved and she sits in one's lap in a very suggestive manner. Many references to pleasure and euphemism for sex. A woman is whipped open back on a table, it is suggested she like this treatment. Princess Aura kisses Flash a few times including his neck while sitting on him. Princess Aura kisses Flash once to wake him up and slowly touches his bare chest.

Violence & Gore


Flash runs through the swamp and falls into quicksand. He lands up to his chin. He slowly sinks in. Later, he grabs onto something and he pulls himself out of the quicksand. Lots of people are shot with laser guns. Several people are impaled or stabbed and blood is seen but nothing too gory - although one character has eyes that pop out when he is impaled. Another character melts after beeing shot. One man has goggles whipped off to reveal machinery where his eyes should be. One fight scene involves two men with whips. Some scenes of characters vaporized by laser blasts.



1 use of the word Bastard 1 use of "bitch".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Various alien drinks are consumed and there are hints that alien drugs used but nothing seen, although one character is rendered unconscious by a particularly strong drink.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A frightening and intense scene where characters blindly dip their hands in to a hollow wooden stump hoping they won't be stung by a poisonous creature. At the very end you see a ring and the bad guy (who we think is dead) picks up his ring and a the end sign has a question mark and a maniacal laugh and it just ends this could be frightening