Much Ado About Nothing (1993) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Much Ado About Nothing
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: U Maturity Rating 13+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG-13 for momentary sensuality.

BBFC Reason
mild sex references

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Sex & Nudity


There is no actual sex or nudity of any kind in the film. A woman is falsely accused of adultery and not being a virgin, but this turns out to be a false accusation. Recommended rating: G (General Audiences)

Violence & Gore


There is talk of men returning from a war, but no violence is ever seen. No actual violence in the film whatsoever. A man challenges another man to a duel after agreeing to kill him. This does not occur, however, and they reconcile in the end.



Absolutely no profanity of any kind. All dialogue in the film follows Shakespeare's play verbatim.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some wine drinking by adults. Nothing inappropriate.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Nothing violent or disturbing. The film simply follows Shakespeare's play exactly. Entirely wholesome and would easily pass for a G-rating. A woman is falsely accused of adultery, and her fiancé refuses to marry her at her wedding as a result. The scene is very intense and angry, but all turns out fine in the end. A woman fakes her own death after having been falsely accused of adultery. Her fiancé weeps with regret, thinking he has killed her with his false accusation. All are reconciled in the end, however.