The Christmas Star (1986) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Christmas Star
BBFC: PG Maturity Rating 7+

BBFC Reason
Contains infrequent moderate scary moments

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Sex & Nudity


A man who has had his Santa suit stolen by a convict is seen in hopping around tied up wearing just his underwear, vest and socks. It is a fairly comical scene as elderly women look away in shock as he hops around in amusing anger, with his cushion for padding still attached to his stomach.

Violence & Gore


A man seen in a supernatural vision abruptly turns into a skeletal corpse when the main character confronts him. May startle some. A convict abruptly grabs a Salvation Army Santa and pulls him down a corridor. It is later revealed he has tied up the man and stolen his costume. A troubled young boy rips the beard off a meet and greet Santa and insults him as a mean spirited prank to dispel the myth for other children. Some may be upset by the attack on a symbol of Christmas in front of other children.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The main character is a gruff convict who has escaped from prison dressed as Santa and enlists the help of some innocent and down on their luck children (who have mistaken him for the real thing) in order to recover his hidden loot with the promise of great things for Christmas. This heartless deception may be a bit upsetting for some, although at the end the escaped convict redeems himself and makes even better on his promises. The main character makes his escape with his recovered loot on a freight train and goes through a seemingly supernatural journey of redemption. Though a brief scene, there are some rather subliminal visions experienced by him, along with visions from his past and of his future which are quite dark and sinister, and sometimes intense There are also hypothetical visions of the other main characters in sad and distressing scenarios which he sees. The freight train itself appears to be a supernatural entity and has a dark and imposing presence. An ageing stray dog (which the children had taken in as a pet) dies of old age during the story, which can be upsetting for young viewers and animal lovers. When Horace is eventually apprehended at the end (after finally redeeming himself), he is led away in his Santa suit in front of all the neighbourhood children who had believed in him. The children are shown to be upset and being comforted by their parents as this happens, and the viewer's empathy towards the character after his great personal sacrifice may make this an emotional scene. One of the children's father is a shrewd landlord who is not only cold and hard towards his son, but also plans to evict the families of his friends over Christmas due to their inability to pay the rent during hard times. The son is often shown upset and hurt by his father's actions, sometimes suffering alone and in silence. This may be a sensitive issue for some, although the father is emotionally redeemed at the climax resulting in a change of heart towards his son and neighbours.