Escape from Sobibor (1987) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Escape from Sobibor
BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

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Sex & Nudity


Sex: None A scene midway through shows a column of Jews waiting outside a gas chamber. All are women and children, and all are naked. The view is quite distant, so no detail of private parts can be seen on the children; on older women pubic hair and breasts are visible. Towards the end of the scene a young naked boy runs away, and a fleeting glimpse of his penis is visible.

Violence & Gore


Much, including many gunshots, bloody hands from barbed wire contact, whippings, stabbings, explosions, and some shoving. There are some bloody scenes where a man holds a knife with his bloody hand (implying he stabbed someone)



1-3 "D words" and 1 "Ba word"

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Drugs: None Some smoking and drinking among Nazi officers and commandants as well as some smoking among the inmates themselves.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A mother and her baby are shot off-screen; the baby can be heard screaming after the mom gets killed, shortly before it gets shot too. A naked child is chased by a guard dog and supposedly mauled while the mother screams in terror. Women and children can be heard screaming in a gas chamber as they are dying. This is the most disturbing scene in the movie. The movie's theme is World War II's Holocaust.