Brainscan (1994) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for strong violence, and for language and some sexuality.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language and violence

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Sex & Nudity


A glimpse of a woman's bare breasts as she's spied upon by another character from across the street.

Violence & Gore


A man is stabbed in the back a few times and then flails around a room until he finally dies. Then his foot is cut off. Blood is seen soaking through a white sheet. The severed foot is covered in blood. A supernatural character bends his fingers back and the sound of them breaking is heard; he also gouges his own eyes out. A ton of bricks get dropped onto a man. A man gets shot, but not much blood (if any) is seen. A character stabs another with a knife and his hand is swallowed; this is followed by a somewhat bizarre melding of the two people. A child crawls on asphalt after a car accident, his knee is damaged and covered in blood. A cop shoots a teenager in the chest and a little blood starts to seep through his shirt.



"Fuck" is used 4 times, "shit" and "bitch" are used infrequently, amongst other milder profanities.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A few beer cans are seen at a outside party.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Freaky scene where Michael and the Trickster meld together. The Trickster may be a little freaky to some younger viewers (especially in the scenes mentioned above in the Violence & Gore section). The movie also presents some pretty intense murder scenes that are shot so well that you can literally feel the gamer's nervousness and and excitement. Michael and Kimberly are seen kissing on a bed, she is wearing a white gown-type outfit. She gets on top of him and kisses him again. Michael is then chocked by the man that he killed in the game reveling that is was a dream/nightmare that Michael had.