The Kid (2000) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Kid
MPA: PG BBFC: PG Maturity Rating 7+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG for mild language.

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Sex & Nudity


While reluctantly visiting a psychiatrist, Russ mentions that he's not going to talk about the hypothetical example of seeing his mother naked in the shower. He then adds that among the many vices he does not have is possessing a closet full of ladies undergarments. He then goes on to talk about the guy in a plane he's seeing (to which she makes a note and he then clarifies that by saying it's not that kind of "seeing" - meaning a gay reference). We briefly see the black fiance in a bikini a couple times in a scene when they are eating pizza and he's teaching the boy to box.

Violence & Gore


A bully pushes Rusty to the ground. Rusty then gets up and the bully punches him and then puts him in a headlock, eventually knocking him to the ground again. Rusty then gets up and the bully proceeds to punch his body some more until Rusty finally connects with two punches that send the bully to the ground (where Rusty briefly sits on his chest).



1 use of Damn At least 2 uses of "my God"

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A woman asks for a single malt liquor while on a plane (but we don't see her receive or drink it).

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The confrontation between Rusty and his father over his mother's terminal illness may be upsetting for some viewers, particularly the closeup of his dad rubbing Rusty's eyes painfully. A scene where Russ slowly makes his way through his house, carrying a baseball bat after hearing what he thinks is an intruder, might be a tiny bit suspenseful to younger kids.