Ransom (1996) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for graphic bloody violence and strong language.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong violence and language

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Sex & Nudity


Jimmy gets into bed with Maris and for a brief moment part of his bare buttocks are seen. 2 people talk and kiss in a bed.

Violence & Gore


Although the violence is graphic, it mostly only occurs during the second to final act of the film. Meaning it's not constant. A man punches another man in the face and tries to hit him again, but the other man wrestles him to the ground. A man lunges across a table and punches another man in the face, and the other man's nose bleeds after the punch. A woman forces a kidnapped boy drink some red liquid with his eyes covered in duct tape. He spits it out. A boy is seen with little dirt on his face as he is tied to the bed. A cop shoots dead 2 people. Blood and gore splurts out from the wound. A cop shoots a woman dead. Blood splurts. A man is shot in the shoulder, and blood spurts, and another man is shot dead. He chokes on blood from the bullet and dies. A kidnapper punches a woman in the face. Then, he holds her throat tight. One of the kidnappers punches another kidnapper in the throat. A man is shot 4 times. Blood pours and spurts. Blood is also seen pouring from his throat. A man holds another man at gun point, and punches him in the face. Kate is hit by a man as she falls to the ground. He puts a mask-like bag around her. Tom and Jimmy come out of the shop bloodied up. Jimmy has the most blood around him and Tom has some blood around his face. They are surrounded by cops. As Jimmy takes a gun out of his trousers, Tom shoots him once and Lonnie shoots him a few times. Blood is seen exploding out of his torso. Jimmy is dead. Tom is free. James is posing as a cop as he is seen with blood on his shirt to show he is shot. He is put in a hospital bed and is later seen with his arm cast. James shoots his two men. Blood is shown exploding out. Maris shoots James in the shoulder. She pauses for a long time which makes James shoot her twice back. She dies. Her dead body is shown a few times later. Kate vomits after an intense phone call. Jimmy shoots two police officers in a public street. Many people shot and killed at the end of the film, very bloody with blood splattering on walls, in the air and wounds visible, however considering the age of this film is looks fairly fake There is a bloody fight scene involving Tom and Jimmy. They chase and punch each other in a crowded street, and one tackles the other through a store window.



53 "f" words (4 with the prefix "mother"), 27 "s" words, 12 "ass" words, 11 hells, 5 SOB's, 3 damns, 1 slang term for male genitals (the "p" word), and 14 uses of "God damn," 6 uses of "Jesus," 5 uses of "Oh God," 4 uses of "God," 3 uses of "Jesus Christ," "2 uses of "For Christ's sake," and 1 use each of "Christ" and "Oh my God" as exclamations.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Drugs: None There's some drinking/smoking. It's never made clear, but apparently one of the characters has a drinking problem. A character gets busted in one scene and in another he tries to act innocent after hiding the canteen and starts a conversation but the word drama soon turns into Drambuie. The kidnapped child is forced to drink some kind of medication, but he spits it out. There is a drunk guy on the floor. The alcoholic kidnapper hides beer and drinks it in several scenes.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Several intense death scenes with much blood present. The film involves the kidnapping of a young boy. He is seen blindfolded and handcuffed to a bed a few times, and he is constantly seen blindfolded for much of the film. A kidnapper threatens the kidnapped boy with a knife. The final fight scene between the main character and main villain is intense. Some intense yelling. James is posing as a cop to get away from the scene. When the villain is on the phone with the main character, the villian shoots his gun, and the main character believes his son has just been killed, but it is revealed that it was a hoax. Very intense/emotional.