While You Were Sleeping (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

While You Were Sleeping
MPA: PG BBFC: PG Maturity Rating 7+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG for some language.

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Sex & Nudity


There is a reference of black underwear. A woman angrily places her hands around the sides of her breasts. 2 women VERY BRIEFLY & MILDLY make reference to sex and pregnancy. There are a few references of a man having only one testicle. A man displays "plumber's crack." A man mentions another man's discovering hair on his ''schmeckel'' , which refers to his pubic hair.

Violence & Gore


There are several falls throughout, with various severity of injuries: An ice skater falls during the opening titles. A paper boy falls off his bike. Peter falls onto the tracks. Lucy and Jack fall on an icy sidewalk. Jack faints and falls after giving blood. A nurse faints and falls to the floor. Ashley slips and almost falls after getting off an elevator.



Utterance of words like "bastard", "Christ", etc. Reference to testicle. Several milder curse words, and some minced oaths and crass terms.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A man offers a woman a cigar, and then smokes it himself. At a party there is some drinking

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A man falls onto a subway track and he's knocked unconscious. He is then taken to a hospital where he is in a coma for several days. Some emotionally intense moments, but generally mild. The climax of the film is somewhat intense, but isolated for laughs. A man is pushed on the train tracks by some guys and gets knocked unconscious.