Top Dog (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Top Dog
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG-13 for shootings and martial arts violence.

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Sex & Nudity



Violence & Gore


A detective is murdered. A dog tears up a man offscreen. A car chase with shooting. The bad guys' car is shoot up and blown up. Norris fights an entire gang with his martial arts skills in a warehouse in one scene. The dog pulls a lever that causes a crate fall on top of and crush a guy who's about to shoot him. He flips another killer in the air by flipping a board he is standing on. Bad guys in clown masks attack Norris, his dog, and a female cop. A shootout ensues. The dog tears up one "clown," two others are shot, one is beat up, and the last one is arrested. A huge shootout at the end. A woman throws a man over a tower ledge. Norris and the head bad guy have a fist fight at the end.



Mostly moderate, PG-13 level language. Damn, hell, shit, piss, bastard, S.O.B.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


No smoking or drug use. Drinking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


One of the main themes of the movie are the police going up against a radical white supremacist group who take no prisoners and are bent on killing anyone of different ethnicities, and they're extreme and intense attitudes and scenes could be intense or frightening to younger viewers. While most of the film is lighthearted, and at times comedic, there are some certain scenes that could be intense, such as when a dog and old man get shot at the beginning, and the final fight scene can be intense. The warehouse fight scene is also somewhat brutal.