Bridge of Dragons (1999) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Bridge of Dragons
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for strong action violence.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong violence

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Sex & Nudity



Violence & Gore


There's a large shootout in a village between a man and several other men. Many men are shot (some blood seen), and another man is set on fire. The man is stabbed but shoots his attacker dead (blood seen oh him), and a woman defeats another attacker. A woman stabs a man in the stomach (some blood seen). Men chase down a woman and hold her, while one slaps her a few times. Another man arrives and shoots her attackers (some blood seen). Warchild twists a man's hand and punches him in the face. A large band of soldiers attacks and massacres a village. Many shelters and objects are blown up, and many people are shot, occasionally with bloody results. Some fighting occurs also. There's a large shootout in a demolished village between a man and many soldiers. He fights a few and shoots many (some blood seen), and a shelter is blown up by explosives. Blood is seen on the man's face and arm. A man takes out three men in a forest. He pulls one's legs out from under him and punches him, and knocks out another with the butt of his gun and a kick, before holding the third at gunpoint. Several men shoot at each other at a wedding, and some die (some blood), and a large brawl ensues. Two men fight many attackers, beating them all up with punches and kicks, as well as throwing them into things. There's a large battle scene in the beginning in which two mercenaries battle many men. Lots of explosions and gunfire are seen, and many men are shot, some with bloody results. A man fights another man, and beats him during this scene. Soldiers stick fight while standing on wood pegs. Warchild beats two men during this, and then fights a woman whom he beats. Rouchang abuses his fiancee by striking her hard on the face. Two men fight, and one slits the other's throat with a sword (offscreen, blood sprays on the ground and some blood is seen on the man's head. A man jumps off of a balcony and lands in a jeep, knocking a man inside it out and struggling with the driver. He and the driver fall out, and the jeep crashes violently with a woman inside, and she's knocked out. The two men fight for a while, and on eventually slits the other's throat with a sword (graphic; bloody), and then grabs the woman and escapes, as a fuel truck explodes.



2 uses of "shit", 2 uses of "damn", 1 use of "hell", and 1 use of "bitch".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A man and woman drink wine durring a wedding. Soldiers are seen drinking beer at a fight club.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Several intense action scenes.