Universal Soldier (1992) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Universal Soldier
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for strong graphic violence, and for strong language.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong violence

BBFC Ratings info
UNIVERSAL SOLDIER is an action-sci-fi film in which two dead soldiers are brought back to life as cyborgs. Violence: Scenes of strong violence include bloody shootings and men being impaled. There is strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker').

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Sex & Nudity


While checking for a tracking device, a woman is touching a man's groin. No nudity is shown and the man asks if everything is normal. Van Damme crashes through a motel room wall and we see a couple naked in bed presumably after sex no nudity is shown. Later the two protagonists have to hide in the same bed under the blanket with the naked couple; once again, no nudity. A brothol is shown in one scene were neon lights are shaped like breasts and prostitutes are shown around it in revealing clothing (no nudity or sexual activity shown) R: Graphic Violence, nudity, sexuality and Gore. R: Violence, Graphic violence, nudity, Graphic nudity, Sexuality and Gore. A man's buttocks is shown.

Violence & Gore


During a Vietnam war flashback, a man shoots another man, and the man who was shot impales him with a bayonet. Both die. Several soldiers raid a station at a dam in which several men hold hostages. The soldiers shoot all the men, graphically killing them. A man crashes through several walls in a motel, and outside, a group of men shoot up the motel trying to kill him. A man beats up several men in a diner. Several men in a truck pursue a man and woman in a car. The woman jumps out, and the truck overturns the car. The man shoots the truck driver and jumps off, and the car is pushed over a cliff and explodes below. A man shoots several soldiers as he and a woman escape a compound. A man is seen with a necklace he made out of severed human ears. A man has a bloody bullet wound, and he cauterizes it by burning it with a hot device. Heavy, graphic violence including many shootings with moderate to high amounts of bloodshed. A man impales another man in the back of his head with a needle. He then shoots a second man graphically. There's a long and violent fight between two men in the end, with brutal punches and kicks thrown. Both bleed and crash into objects, and one of them is finally impaled on a combine harvester, through the limbs and neck.



19 uses of "f*ck" (2 paired with "mother"). 25 uses of "sh*t". 6 uses of "*ss" (3 used as "*sshole"). 4 uses of "b*tch".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Many people smoke frequently.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The opening scene is dark and very intense. Many intense scenes of violence, as well as a long car chase towards the end of the movie.