Requiem for a Dream (2000) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Requiem for a Dream
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for intense depiction of drug addiction, graphic sexuality, strong language and some violence.

BBFC Reason
strong sex, drug use

BBFC Ratings info
REQUIEM FOR A DREAM is a US drama about four people whose dreams are jeopardised by their addictions. Sex: Scenes of sex include male thrusting during intercourse, implied fellatio and breast nudity. In one sequence two women are penetrated by a dildo while a crowd of men watch, although the scene does not show strong detail. Drugs: There are frequent scenes of drug misuse, including cannabis, cocaine, heroin and 'weight loss' pills. In one scene a man is seen inserting a needle into a badly infected wound in his arm. The work does not condone or promote drugs misuse. Scenes of strong violence include a shooting and a sequence in which a fork is stabbed into a man's hand. In other scenes a woman receives ECT treatment, causing her body to convulse, and a man receives an operation to his arm with some accompanying bloody detail. There is occasional use of strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker').

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Sex & Nudity


A woman is with a man in bed and he begins to kiss her. Sex is implied, not shown A man is with a woman naked in bed. He is in behind of her and they have sex. Brief thrusting can be seen. We see both their buttocks. The woman's breasts are fully visible and there are glimpses of her pubic hair. Male nudity is not offered. A woman stands looking at herself in a mirror wearing only a crop top. Pubic hair is visible, mostly obscured by the angle of the mirror. A man's bare backside is seen as he runs towards his girlfriend, also nude. sex and drugs A man is seen standing naked in the dark. His hip region is barely visible (editorial comment removed, and is reserved for the reviews sections). A woman takes a bath. Nudity not shown. After losing money to drugs, a woman starts to sleep with other men for money. The sex scenes aren't shown and nudity isn't seen either, but it is implied. Two women have a dildo inside both their buttocks and thrust into each other, as a group of people watch. We see their butts and a few glimpses of bare breasts. All of the shots are less than a second and in total are probably 5 seconds.

Violence & Gore


The violence depicted in this movie is not graphic at all but it is very intense because you may not expect it. Several people are shot offscreen, it isn't graphic and is in a dark setting, but a man is briefly seen with blood splatter on his face afterwards. We see two people putting a body in a trash can. This is brief, and from a distance. Some scenes where people engage in fist fights because of a drug dealer. Four people are seen going through intense emotional suffering. A man's arm is amputated, but the camera quickly switches when the sawblade comes in contact with the skin. But you can see blood briefly seam out of his arm, and splatter on his face There's a horrible infected wound on a man's arm. We then see him once injecting a shot of heroin in the infected wound. In one brief scene, a woman stabs a man in the hand with a fork and blood comes out. But then it quickly cuts away to reveal that this was simply her imagination, and did not happen. However, the blood looks very fake, it's way more dark than red.



Frequent swearing. 33 uses of "F*ck. Constant uses of "shit", "damn", "bitch", "hell". Sexual words such as "cum", "pussy", "ass" used occasionally. Some religious profanities: "goddamn", "Jesus", "Christ".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


The entirety of the movie is centered around drugs, and the horrors that come of it. Marijuana and cigarettes are both smoked a couple times 2 characters want to make it big off of drug dealing Couple brief scenes where a white powder like substance (presumably cocaine or speed) is snorted through a rolled up dollar bill. Although there is an extreme amount pf drug usage shown in this film it will COMPLETELY put anyone off of the idea of doing drugs. Three of the four protagonists are heroin addicts. The other one is addicted to diet pills (amphetamines/speed), which cause her to hallucinate. The film shows repeated use of heroin, both injected (only shown once) and inhaled (partially shown) and constant scenes of a woman hallucinating due to the pills she takes. However, ironically, a heroin addicted character (rightfully) discourages a woman from taking speed. The main focus of the film is the development of drug addicted characters.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The movie is not horribly violent. It is just incredibly disturbing, sad and very upsetting. The drug content sometimes ensues disturbing images. The film is extremely depressing and while the movie goes on it just get worse and worse. An old woman has a scary hallucination where characters walk out of her TV and start screaming at her, and her refrigerator turns into a monster. She begins crying and begging them to stop. Very upsetting R18+ ( Adult Themes & Strong Drug Use ) The sequence which shows people suffering emotional pain is really intense. The drug sequences and hallucinations are intense and disconcerting. A woman experiences gloomy and frightening hallucinations, which become worse as the movie continues. This movie tells the story of four drug addicts whose lives fall apart by the end of the movie because of their addictions. A young woman submits to having a dildo thrust repeatedly into her anus in her desperation to feed her heroin addiction. While the act is not explicitly shown, her pain and mental anguish clearly are. There is a scene where four gang members are sitting in a car and unexpectedly one is shot and killed, sending the others into a panic. A festering wound in a man's arm that is brought on by extensive heroin use is disturbing. Harry (Jared Leto) also injects heroin into the festering wound, which is graphic. Toward the end, there is a montage of all of the main characters in the film in similar states of pain or humiliation. This sequence is prolonged and uses a very aggressive sound. An elderly woman is sent to a mental hospital where she suffers in disturbing ways, such as being force-fed and undergoing shock treatment.