True Lies (1994) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

True Lies
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for a lot of action/violence and some language.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong violence and language

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Sex & Nudity


A man makes a joke about a man's daughter being a virgin still, then asks him if she is stealing money for an abortion. A character is referenced as having jeopardized a mission for a blowjob. A helicopter pilot following a moving car mentions that a woman has her head in the male driver's lap. Some mild sexual dialogue, all of which is comedic Moderate sex jokes throughout, including a comedic strip tease scene (no nudity but very provocative). Faisil says he has his "hand up her skirt and I'm going for the-" before he is cut off. He is talking about decrypting data. Simon mentions that a nice car is a way to get "pussy," and he mentions that "the 'vette gets 'em wet." Helen strips down to underwear in one scene, nothing explicit is shown. The scene lasts for a minute but is meant to be funny.

Violence & Gore


There's a large assault on a bridge, and the bridge is destroyed in a series of explosions. As this occurs, two women fight in a car, but one of them manages to jump out and grab the hand of a man on a helicopter, and the car crashes, presumably killing the other woman. Several terrorists are shot inside a building by Harry flying an jet. A man viciously slaps a woman. Harry chases Aziz on foot and then on horseback, with lots of gunfire occurring. Harry smashes a car window with his fist. Harry delivers one savage punch to Simon's face, which kills him, and his face is seen covered in blood with his eyes rolled into the back of his head (this turns out to be a dream, played for laughs). Helen and Juno fight over a gun in a moving limo and several shots are fired. One shot hits the driver in the head, killing him. A large, bloody bullet hole in the windshield can be seen. A woman beats another woman with an unopened bottle of champagne until she is unconscious. Harry kills a guard by stabbing him in the chest with a meat hook. He then drags the guard's body by the hook into a nearby room. Faisal pulls a handgun concealed in a camcorder and kills several terrorists in quick succession. During the opening, Harry is chased through the woods by several attackers, and he brutally takes them down, and he smashes two attack dogs together during this scene. He then slides down a snowy hill firing a gun while he's chased, hitting several men. There's a violent fight in a bathroom between Harry and several terrorists. He kills one terrorist with another's gun, and bloody holes are briefly seen, and he then kills the other terrorist. A third terrorist brutally fights with him, both punch and strike each other, and an terrorist pulls a knife and slashes Harry's shirt. Harry smashes him int he had with an air dryer, and jams his head into a urinal. Aziz comes in and opens fire on the place, and he and Harry engage in a brief shootout. Harry grabs a doctor as a human shield and throws a scalpel at a guard. The scalpel lodges in his eye, killing him. He then breaks the doctors neck. Harry chimneys upside down a rope and snaps the neck of a guard quickly. Helen drops an uzi which falls down stairs and shoots. Several terrorists are shot during this scene. There is a massive shootout at the base where the man and woman are being held hostage. A big amount of people are shot with a little blood. Harry brutally kills a few attackers in hand to hand combat, and then kills many more with a flamethrower. Aziz fires a bazooka at him, and he dives into water as a large explosion occurs. Harry and Aziz fight on a jet, which hovers in a city, and several missiles cause large explosions, and there's a lot of gunfire. Both bleed during this scene. Aziz is killed when he hangs on a jet piloted by Harry who turns the jet sideways, making Aziz get stuck on a missile. Harry then fires the missile, sending him flying into a helicopter, killing him with a huge explosion.



3 F-words, 8 G**D**ms, sh*ts, d*cks, & mild/other language.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Drink and smokes are consumed in the picture

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The bathroom fight/shootout and subsequent chase are intense. A man unexpectedly slaps a woman in the face. Dana is stuck on a high-up crane, then a moving jet aircraft. Some scenes in this sequence are quite intense. Dana is taken hostage by terrorists.