The Last Boy Scout (1991) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Last Boy Scout
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for graphic violence and very strong language.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language and violence

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Sex & Nudity


A woman reclines on a man who is sitting on a couch. Her wearing sleepwear, the man gropes her on her chest. A street Billboard displays a woman wearing underwear and a bra. Focusing on the woman's butt and legs. There's a strip bar scene with a woman showing her breast and her butt (wearing a thong) on the stage. A great deal of sex-related banter. The "f" word is used in a sexual manner many times as a result. Joe comments that Darien will be screwing by the time she's fifteen. The side of a woman's in a Jacuzzi, left breast is shown briefly as she gets out of a pool. Jimmy asks Joe about his daughter's age and Joe responds by telling Jimmy "if you touch her i'll shove an umbrella up your ass and open it". This is played for laughs. It's revealed that Sarah has cheated on Joe with an associate of his.

Violence & Gore


Hallenbeck smashes his fist into an thug's face, and his nose is bashed into his brain. A thug is stabbed in the neck with a broken bottle by Hallenbeck. There's a violent shootout in a street, two people are fatally shot and one person is hit with a car. Some blood. The same scene starts with a woman being ruthlessly machine gunned repeatedly (bloody hits are seen on her body) and she is thrown across a car and her bloodied lifeless body is seen on the street. A man holds a woman underwater trying to force her to perform oral sex on him, while she struggles to get free. Jimmy tells the man she'll drown and he responds, "She's not coming up until she blows me". Jimmy steps in to free the woman by throwing a football at the man's nose, breaking it (we see blood). Billy Cole is threatened by Milo over the phone, then he shoots at least a couple of opposing players before shooting himself in the head while on field in the middle of the game. (Blood spurts from each wound). A man holds a gun to another persons head but removes it quickly. A man points a gun at two people and then fires a shot pass both of them. No one is hurt. A man gets into a car, turns ignition, and the car explodes. It is implied the man died. A police officer is shot and killed, some blood is visible. A man is hitting a woman who is tied up, but is stopped when another man punched him. Many instances of punching, sometimes causing blood from a wound. Many people are shot throughout, often fatally in the head or chest. The wounds are shown, sometimes with blood spray. Cory is shot by thugs with machine guns and a close up of her bloody body is shown. In the film's climax, Hallenbeck and Milo fight on top of a scaffold above a football field; Hallenbeck is stabbed in the knee with a knife and then Hallenbeck punches Milo in the head couple times causing milo to stumble. Milo is then shot multiple times by SWAT team before falling in onto a police heilcopter's blades and dies. (brief, but very graphic and bloody).



B*tch is said 10 times. D*ck is said twice, balls is said once in a vulgar manner, and one use of p*ssy. Sh*t is said at least 15 times, including bullsh*t Some strong sexual talk. D*mn is said at least 4 times, and Godd*mn is said at least 10 times. Some of profanity is said by a young girl, including "f*ck." B*stard is said at least 6 times. H*ll is said three times. Wh*re is said at least two times. *ss is said three times and *sshole is said at least 8 times. 4 uses of Christ, two uses of Jesus Christ, two uses of Jesus, and two uses of God.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A scene takes place in a bar where people are drinking. The main character hungover from being drunk. After he wakes up, he starts drinking again. The main character is implied to be an alcoholic and drinks through most of the movie. Other smoking main-characters are Jimmy (Damon Wayans) and Sarah (Chelsea Field), several times. One of the thugs smokes a cigar. Much backround smoking in a bar. Characters addition to drugs is mentioned several times. Drug use is shown several times. In one instance, a football player takes drugs and then goes on a rampage. In another instance, a man finds another man with drugs and throws him out of his house. Joe Hallenbeck (Bruce Willis) smokes throughout the movie. He asks for a cigarette and a light several times. Many scenes, especially in the first half of the film include people drinking. Jimmy is addicted to illegal pills (so is another football player) and cocaine which includes graphic use in the film.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A man is hit on the back of the head and knocked out, when he wakes up another man holds him at gunpoint and says he will kill him, until he is overpowered. Some of the onscreen deaths are intense. The main characters lives are at risk through much of the movie, including being held at gunpoint and assassination attempts. The movie contains numerous very intense scenes. Darian is taken hostage and threatened at gun point.