Fire Down Below (1997) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Fire Down Below
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for violence and language.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language and violence

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Sex & Nudity


It is implied that a character was raped.

Violence & Gore


There's a lengthy fight in a construction yard between Taggert and a group of thugs. He beats several of them with a board, and then repeatedly punches and kicks them, and throws them around. Their faces are seen bloodied. Taggert beats up a few guys in a bar, slamming one's head into a table and pinching another's nose. Taggert gets into a brief fight with a group of cops on a street, and he eventually disarms one of them with a gun and holds the gun to the man's face, ending the fight. No graphic violence. Seagal beating up guys and shooting them but no bloody violence.



Standard R stuff, but not too many f-words. 5 "f" words to be exact

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some drinking

Frightening & Intense Scenes
