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Sex & Nudity
noneInside the tank in the first action scene is a fully nude, pinup girl photo behind one of the men. None.
Violence & Gore
moderateWar violence - Soldiers are seen shot, sometimes bloody. Not that graphic and hard to see because of motion-blur. A man commits suicide by driving his car on the train tracks into an oncoming train.
severe20 uses of the f-word and 5 uses of the c-word (used aggressively towards Meg Ryan's character). Other profanity used such as shit, ass, asshole, damn, hell, 10 goddamn.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
moderateMatt Damon's character chain smokes halfway through the movie and talks about taking high doses of asprin. It is revealed later that he is addicted to morphine. Drinking in bars.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
moderateSeveral brief flashback scenes which have explosions and sudden bursts of automatic gunfire