Blast from the Past (1999) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Blast from the Past
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG-13 for brief language, sex and drug references.

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Sex & Nudity


Sexual innuendo. A few kisses. A transvestite propositions a man. We see several women in cleavage-revealing tops and several women in bathing suits one brief scene takes place in an adult book store and we see -- from a distance -- many scantily clad women on video and magazine covers (no nudity is visible). There is a scene in a hotel where the main character is captivated by a commercial where you see a woman covered in a very revealing thong and there is a seductive theme Eve makes a joke about getting Adam laid, Adam asks in a public place,what she means by getting him laid, people stare When Eve hears that Adam went home with a girl, she later yells at him that he is supposed to be having unsafe sex with that slut. Eve then asks Adam about his virginity in a suggestive way.

Violence & Gore


A jet crash-lands on a vacant house and we see it explode (no one is injured). We see a person vomit. A man clutches his chest and passes out; we see him recovering in bed in later scenes. In self defense, a man punches another three times. A man backs a truck into a car (no one is injured).



2 uses of the "f" word. One may be difficult to hear as it's said in the background around 1 hour and 23 minutes. 1 F-word, a few anatomical references, several scatological references, lots of mild obscenities several insults and 1 use of the word Negro.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A few brief scenes take place in a bar A man makes a reference to Alcoholics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, and Heroine Anonymous. A mother is implied to have an increasing drinking habit and once drinks cooking liquor. She also asks her adult son to pick up supplies from a liquor store. A scene where people are dancing and drinking in a night club. Some drinking in the movie.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A house explodes because a jet crashes in to it. (Can be intense) A family lives in a bomb shelter for 30 years. A man seems to almost have had a heart attack. A two men do go up on land from the bomb shelter and think the world has gone to waste. As one of them wonders around he doesn't know anything other then what his parents taught him.