Mallrats (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for strong language, including sexual dialogue, and for some scenes of sexuality and drug content.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language and sex references

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Sex & Nudity


A topless fortune teller rubs her nipples to enable her "powers". Scene lasts a few minutes. Comments are made about her third nipple, but turns out to be fake. A man plays a video at the dating game show which is revealed to be a sex tape, in the tape reveals that another man has sex with a fifteen year old girl who the other man thought that the girl was an adult. The man is then arrested for statutory rape. A couple have sex in the elevator. No nudity is shown, but some clothes are shown removing. A man dances and his towel drops. We see his bare butt. Silent Bob swings into a room where there he sees a woman with breasts hanging out - it's funny. Bare breasts are shown briefly in a changing room. Crude sexual humor occurs.

Violence & Gore


A teen girl accidentally gets her hair stuck on her boyfriend's BB gun. Later, he fires which causes chaos. Gwen hits T.S. in the crotch, after he accidentally elbows on of her breasts. Shannon beats up Brodie. Jay and Silent Bob attack a man in an easter bunny costume, thinking he beat Brodie. Children around the Easter Bunny join in. This scene is moderately violent though very comedic.



All Profanity Is Removed From The Tv Cut Of The Film. 44 F-Words, 49 "shit" (Theatrical cut). 56 F-Words, 58 "shit" (Extended cut).

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Jay and Silent Bob are drug dealers, but drug use is only shown once. Jay and Silent Bob gives the backstage guards pot, so the partner's in crime can destroy the stage for a gameshow. There is also talk about getting high, and some tobacco smoking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


None. This is a comedy. All of the violence in the film is slapstick and comedic. The concept regarding the fifteen year old girl may be emotional for some but the movie is hilarious and does not dwell on anything disturbing. As the game show is about to begin, Brodie gives a bag of pretzels to Brandi's father which had been exposed to sweat from having his hand rest in his buttocks for a long period of time, causing Brandi's father to become ill and vomit violently into a bag for the remainder of the show.. No goo is seen, just the retching noises.