Rush Hour (1998) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Rush Hour
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG-13 for sequences of action/violence and shootings, and for language.

BBFC Reason
Contains moderate violence and language

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Sex & Nudity


no sex or nudity throughout the film. There is some mild sexual banter ("what color panties are you wearing," kiss my nuts, "get them titties out of here") and a scene where a character accidentally has his hands on a woman's chest (she is in a large outfit, so it's not sensual and is played for laughs). Carter apologizes to Johnson about spreading rumors that he and she slept together.

Violence & Gore


There's a large shootout near the end. There's lots of heavy gunfire. A man kicks another man, and pistol-whips him. There's a large bar fight in which Lee fights off several attackers, first with his hands and feet, and then with pool sticks, smacking and hitting them with the sticks as well as kicking them. There's a fight in a restaurant between two cops and several men, with several punches and kicks. A building explodes. Two men fight in a building, and one attacks the other with an axe. Two men fall through some scaffolding. Two men are shot at as they flee a restaurant. A man quickly dispatches two security guards, dismantling one's gun. A man fights a few men in a house before they're interrupted. A man takes out several men on a dock in the beginning. A man punches another man in the face in a parking lot, and the man who was shot shoots at two cops and drives away in a car. The man who punched him fires a gun at the trunk of the car and hits C4 in the trunk, exploding the trunk and crashing the car. There's a kidnapping scene where a little girl is grabbed and taken. Nothing too provocative or violent. During the climax, Lee must fight off two bad guys while trying to keep several Chinese artifacts from breaking, and he takes some brutal hits. Carter and Sang have a final standoff, and Carter shoots him, killing Sang. Some blood can be seen on his shirt, and his corpse is seen lying on the floor. Two men scuffle on a catwalk, and one falls to his death in a pool of water far below.



The Lord's name is used in vain multiple times (probably more than 20 times or so) "Jesus Joseph and Mary" is said in an explicit manner 40 uses of "shit", 3 uses of "ass", 4 uses of "hell", 6 uses of "damn", 2 uses of"goddamn/it", 2 uses of "bitch." 5 uses of the "n slur"

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Multiple references to marijuana throughout the movie. One man smokes weed and when he is asked what he is smoking, he replies, "cigarette", and the guy interrogating him says, " that's no cigarette, that's ciga-weed". Man mentions splitting a bag of weed with his friend later in the film. Carter comments that his mother is embarrassed that he's on the LAPD, and so tells everyone that her son's a drug dealer instead. A man is seen smoking weed twice.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Some may find the scene when Soo Yung is captured frightening. Juntao/Griffin falls to his death from the rafters of the Los Angeles Convention Center and lands on top of a fountain.