The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Rage: Carrie 2
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for strong graphic horror violence and gore, brief strong sexuality and language.

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Sex & Nudity


Lots of sexual innuendo, including some crude words There's the brief after-scene of sex in a car, where a boy climbs out of a car and shows some other boys what looks like underwear. A young couple begin to make love, climbing on top of each other on a bed clothed nothing shown very short. The above-mentioned couple's sexual union is shown in much greater detail later on, having been filmed on a video to be shown at a party. The faces are shadowed, but the bodies are clear, including the sides of the woman's breasts and bottom. No male nudity. The rear-ends of several men are seen while changing in a locker room. A coach humiliates a football player by stripping off his pants and revealing his jock strap and remarking that he thought he might find a tampon. There is a closeup of the young man's bare buttocks. Several teen boys reveal a game that calls for sleeping with girls for "points".

Violence & Gore


A woman and a boy are pierced through the forehead with what looks like a fire stoker (we see a close-up of the woman's very bloody forehead). Lots of people are cut when plate-glass windows shatter; we see someone's head rolling across the floor, lots of blood splattered on the walls and floor, many bloody people (we see a girl spitting up blood) and many bloody corpses. In one scene, and several brief flashbacks, a girl jumps from the roof of a building and lands face-down on a car (through the windshield, we see her face hit and see blood pour from her mouth) In a dream sequence, we see lots of blood running down a car's cracked windshield then see a girl with blood all over her face and mouth. Several CDs pierce a woman's torso (we see lots of blood). A girl's eye glasses shatter and her eye sockets are very bloody. A girl shoots an arrow through a man's crotch (we see lots of blood). A boy shoots a girl in the hip with a flare gun, her dress catches on fire and she falls into a swimming pool; the water turns red from her bloody wound. A girl pulls a boy into a swimming pool; he drowns after he's hit in the head and then trapped in the pool by an automatic pool cover. Several people catch on fire; we see one of them with a badly scarred arm in a later scene. A burning beam and a burning piece of a roof fall onto two girls. We see a dog run over by a car; it's badly injured but survives, and we see it wearing a cone around its neck in later scenes. A man slaps the back of a boy's head and a man slaps a woman. A man repeatedly pounds his head against a wall. A window slams shut on a boy's hand (we later see him with bandages on his hand). A boy is flung from a balcony onto a covered pool (he's not injured). Boys throw a brick through a window and people throw eggs into a crowd. We see a girl get doused with blood. A woman puts red paint on a girl's face; in a later scene it looks like blood. A girl has bloodstains on her shirt from holding an injured dog. A bloody hand grabs a woman's arm. A boy vomits. Non-stop bloody violence in the prom scene. A woman's glasses blow up making glass in her eye which makes a weapon she's holding stab a man's private which ends up killing both of them. A girl with powers makes a part of a roof fall on a girl which ends up killing her when it falls on top of her. DVD's come from the air and come to a woman which where more DVD's come at her which ends up killing her cause they come so fast it stabs and slices her



About 12 F-words and F-word derivatives, lots of anatomical references (one is written), lots of scatological references and several mild obscenities and insults.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


There is no smoking, but teens later drink what could be alcohol at a party

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The final fire scene at the party is pretty frightening.