Desperado (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for strong bloody violence, a strong sex sequence and language.

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Sex & Nudity


A long sex scene, with a musical overplay, you see the woman's breasts and it is very erotic. A short sexual scene with another couple after that.

Violence & Gore


Many shootings with a considerable amount of blood. (Moved to spoilers sections, as essentially the entire plot is described). the first scene has a man telling about another man when some men drew guns and were about to shoot the man but the man darts into his guitar case and pulls out a gigantic hand gun kills 4 men little blood and then pulls out a shotgun and kills a couple more little blood then as he walks away paying the bartender the bartender draws a shotgun and attempts to shoot but the man kills him first little blood because theres a white lash of light Then in the next scene after the three men play there guitars the main one is shown outside with a women that has a pool of blood around her and then stands up and a man shoots him in the hand lots of blood. Then one scene over two men have a fight in a ring over at bushos house alot of other people watching many punches and kicks one guy kicks another guy in the mouth and blood gushes from his mouth. Then a few scenes over in a bar el marachi walks in and after a brief talk 40 men are killed by him very bloody spurting pumping blood all over there clothes in one scene buchos men storm caralinas house and el marachi shoots alot of theme not alot of blood. in the last fight scene three men with guns rockets and machine guns most built in their guitar cases very bloody scene explosions large wound holes a child is shot. In the next scene the child is taken to the hospital when the doors open there's close ups of where hes been shot. A bloody and emotional scene and afterwards, el marachi shoots bucho and as he does it, bullet holes are shown.



Moderately frequent profanity. At the very least, 25 F words (some in Spanish), 1 b*tch, 1 p*ss, as well as damns and hells.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


The movie features drug dealers, but no drugs are shown being taken. Smoking and drinking is shown however.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A leg breaking, several death scenes, blood splattering here and there, etc. Lots of loud gun shooting and people being shot and stabbed. Explosions as well.