Other People's Money (1991) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Other People's Money
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for language and sex-related dialogue.

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Sex & Nudity


A woman wears fitted suits with short skirts throughout the film; one scene she wears a fitted lace cocktail dress that is low cut and off the shoulder. A man feeds her something with his fingers and tells her she has an exquisite neck. No Nudity. No Sex. Sexual references. A woman tells a man he has balls, he says he's been trying to show her. A man and woman kiss. A man tells a story about a woman who wanted to take her pants off in the back seat. A man refers to a computer with a female name suggesting what if she has PMS (meaning she's nuts). Foreplay is mentioned in reference to finances.

Violence & Gore


Many references to death including suicide and euthanasia, all are in reference to business and the status of a company.



Poop, hell, scratch my balls, Goddamn (at least twice), sh*thole, *sshole (twice?), f*ck(ed) up (several variations), make up your f*cking mind, sh*t*ss, "are you sh*tting me?"

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Characters drink champagne, drink socially, smoke casually (while working or socializing). Cigarettes smoked by men and women. One man smokes a pipe. A woman refers to pills and whiskey.