Blade II (2002) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Blade II
MPA: R BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for strong pervasive violence, language, some drug use and sexual content.

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Sex & Nudity


In one scene, a pornographic store is shown. Naked women are shown on posters advertising outside for 2 seconds. breasts shown on black and white photos. Inside the building, a man pays for a private strip dance. He stuffs some tissues in the front of his pants (below screen) with the intention to masturbate. However, his plans are stopped before anything scandalous can happen. The end credit songs have suggestive lyrics. One of them, "Gangsta Queens" goes in great detail of sexual on-goings. nude women posters in walls

Violence & Gore


In a vampire club called "The House of Pain," vampires are shown mutilating themselves and each others with blades to achieve perverse sensations. A female vampire is shown having her back sliced open with her spine exposed. Another vampire cuts open his arm for others to drink his blood. Two people are shown piercing each other's tongues. Much more violent than the first movie 'Blade', but not quite as frightening as that instalment Reapers have large scars on their chins, gray eyes, no hair, gray skin and we can see their veins showing through their skin. There are many scenes that show their gruesome feeding ritual: Their mouths open wide, separating at the chin and expose a huge tongue with sets of teeth all around; the tongue acts as a sucker of sorts and there is always a lot of blood accompanying an attack. Vampires are attacked by Reapers on numerous occasions: Blood spurts and splatters, the victims convulse and quiver and in a short time come back to "life" as Reapers. A vampire "infected" by a Reaper screams and pleads for someone to kill him; he is shot repeatedly, part of his head is cut off, and eventually he's exposed to sunlight which turns him to dust, but we see one eye blinking and looking around. A Reaper tries to feed on a vampire and while he is pulling him close enough to get a bite he is tearing at the vampire's back with his fingernails, and something begins to grow out of the Reaper's back. A Reaper licks a vampire's bloody head wound and then feeds on him. A Reaper feeds on a pile of victims; we see him slurping on one and there is a pool of blood collecting on the floor below the rest. A Reaper bites a vampire's neck out (we see a flash of tissue) and there is a lot of green "blood." There are many scenes that show vampires and Reapers being destroyed: They begin to smolder from inside out and burst into small pieces of red-hot coals and dissolve to dust. A vampire fights many other vampires and destroys them using specially designed weapons (all made with silver nitrate): one is decapitated by a silver piano wire, many are punched and kicked and then stabbed, shot or slashed and many are destroyed by "UV" bombs (we see lots of charred, smoldering remains). A man holds a bomb that explodes and blows him to bits. A vampire's blood is harvested by poking spikes up through his wrists, legs, and chest as he lies on a table. A Reaper is slammed in the head, which breaks its neck, but he straightens it and keeps on going. A Reaper is stabbed through the abdomen with a sword that sticks into a wall behind him, he flies upward cutting himself from the abdomen down, and this is accompanied by a spray of goo and blood. A Reaper is stabbed in the chest a few times. A vampire is cut down the middle with a sword and explodes into dust. Two vampires are surrounded by Reapers and one is dragged underwater and we see the water fill with blood. Several other vampires are surrounded by hordes of Reapers, they shoot at them and try to escape. Vampires and Reapers are shot repeatedly in many scenes, jerking as they are hit. We see some vampires with parts of their bodies open exposing their insides: One has her back open from neck to waist and another vampire is poking around, and another has his arm open. Two vampires gnaw on a woman; one at her arm and one at her neck, and a Reaper gnaws on himself. An autopsy is conducted on a Reaper and we see close-ups of the inside of his mouth; then his chest is opened and we see lots of organs and goo (a drop of blood is dripped into the open chest cavity and everything convulses). A vampire throws a sword through a window and it hits another vampire in the forehead. A vampire is shown getting a tattoo and the wound is very bloody. A couple of men are cold-cocked with the butt of a gun, and there are many fight sequences with kicks, punches, pile-drivers and body-slams (with the aggressor starting at the ceiling and dropping onto the victim) and knees to the groin. The fights also involve being thrown into walls, pillars, doors, through windows, etc. A vampire and a Reaper fight in a few scenes: one time the Reaper's arm is broken and we see his elbow bone pop out through his shirt (we also hear lots of bone crunching). When entering a high-security facility, an identity check pokes four needles into a person's hand. A man, who turns out to be a Reaper, goes into a room where he is strapped into a chair and a vampire puts a four-pronged blood extraction contraption on his hand. We see a man who has been brutally beaten covered with blood and begging another man to "finish him off." A pack of Reapers try to get at a man in a van; they break the windshield, run across the hood, shriek and scream. A vampire has an explosive device imbedded in the back of his head (we see a few drops of blood), and a vampire is thrown through a window. One Reaper has a perpetually bloodstained mouth and chin. We see several people in a waiting room at a blood donation facility and as we go by one room, we see a floor covered with blood and people mopping it up. A vampire is shot in the leg. A vampire eats a red gelatinous dish (presumably coagulated blood) and a couple of vampires are shown in a pool filled with blood. There are piles of skeletons and skulls in tunnels underground. Two vampires hold each other at sword point: one at the crotch and one at the throat. A man talks about having taken two women to his tent in order to have sex and the women end up tearing chunks out of his stomach (he shows us his scarred abdomen). A vampire is threatened by putting his head close to a spinning motorcycle wheel. Several people are stunned by taser blasts. A man dangles from tubes in a liquid filled tank, the tank door is opened, the water floods out and he hangs from the tubes. We see many fetuses floating in liquid-filled jars. A vampire has a burned and scarred face.



In the background song of a fight scene, "Motherfuckers" is said twice. Less than the first one. 32 F-words (one mouthed) and its derivatives several of which are only subtitled in a foreign language, 2 sexual references, 8 anatomical terms, 1 use of "c*nt," one use of "bastard," one use of "Son of a b*tch," several racist remarks, and nearly a dozen uses of "G*ddamn."

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A Character is shown smoking pot in nearly every scene he is in. In a scene, a rugged drug dealer does business with a street walking prostitute. She snorts the drugs he gives her as she walks off. The dealer then offers to do business with another person but is stopped. A man is seen snorting cocaine near the start of the film.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


This movie is not as graphic or dark as the first movie, but is still very violent The vampires, and excessive blood and gore, could be frightening to some. The film's villain, Jared Nomak's physical appearnce is very frightening and intense, especially when he bites people. The final fight scene is very violent and intense.