The Game (1997) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Game
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for language, and for some violence and sexuality.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language After a wealthy banker is given an opportunity to participate in a mysterious game, his life is turned upside down when he becomes unable to distinguish between the game and reality.

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Sex & Nudity


In one scene, Nicholas enters a hotel room. A pornographic movie plays on the TV; moaning can be heard and close-up shots of faces are shown on the TV. Nothing graphic is shown. A woman is seen wearing her bra before entering the bathroom for a shower. When Nicholas enters a hotel room, he finds dozens of Polaroid pictures of men and women in various states of undress scattered throughout the room. For a second, the word "ORGASM" is displayed in big letters in the middle of a projector screen. A questionnaire item is questioned: ""I feel guilty when I masturbate." Polaroid pictures of lingerie and male and female nudity (breasts, buttocks) are shown. Some sexual references. One scene shows a very brief sexual cartoon still.

Violence & Gore


Some scenes of people being shot and shot at with some blood. The main character attempts sucide but ends up falling on a giant mattress



33 uses of 'fuck' (1 paired with "mother"), 10 uses of 'shit', 9 uses of 'damn' (7 paired with 'God'), 5 uses of 'ass' (3 paired with 'hole'), 3 uses of 'hell', 2 uses of 'bitch', 1 use of 'bastard', 2 uses of 'Jesus', 1 use of 'Christ', 1 use of "Jesus Christ", and 2 uses of 'piss'.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


There is drinking at various points in the film, but it is rarely highlighted and never glamourised. When Nicholas enters a hotel room, he finds cocaine spread out on a mirror, both in a pile and cut into lines. In the same scene, a tray full of used cigarettes and a glass pipe on the table are briefly shown. Nicholas tries to get rid of the cocaine and ends up spilling it everywhere. There are some scenes where at least one character is smoking. A character is given a spiked drink that almost kills them.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Men shoot at a man and woman as they flee a house. There's a brief car chase. The protagonist finds his home has been vandalized. The movie is about a man questioning reality, so it can be rather intense/unsettling. The lead character is trapped inside a moving car which rolls off the road and into the water. This is a very intense scene.