The Bodyguard (1992) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

The Bodyguard
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for language.

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Sex & Nudity


We see a man and a woman lying in bed, presumably after sexual activity. No nudity. A man forces himself onto a woman trying to kiss her, but is interrupted. It is stated that an intruder broke into a woman's house and masturbated on her bed.

Violence & Gore


A woman is pushed into a crowd and being attacked by the crowd during her performance. Then a riot broke out as a man uses a fire extinguisher to push his way through the crowd and kicks an obsessive fan. Very disturbing. Two men fight in a kitchen, and one is beaten up, and bleeds from his face. A man attacks another man aggressively. Blood is shown on the latter's face, mainly his nose. A brief scene from a black-and-white movie depicts fighting with Samurai swords, where a man cuts off another man's arm offscreen. A quick close-up of the severed arm on the ground. A man is shot offscreen in the beginning, and his corpse is seen with some blood on it. A man is shot around the upper arm and possibly body. Some blood. A woman is shot dead in the chest, with a brief bullet wound. Another man chases the shooter through a house and the woods outside, and the two shoot at each other.



10 f-words Several uses of 'f*ck' and 'sh*t', 2 of 'a**hole', and 1 of 'b-tching' and 'SOB'

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some smoking and drinking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The riot scene during the Queen Of The Night performance may be very intense and unsettling for viewers A man runs on a dock toward a young boy trying to start a motorboat on his own, not wanting the boy to leave for his safety. The man jumps off the dock, landing on the boat and capsizing it, but saves the boy. The climax is intense. A man chases down a moving car. This is an intense scene.