Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+

BBFC Reason
moderate violence, bloody images, sexual threat, infrequent strong language

BBFC Ratings info
ROBIN HOOD PRINCE OF THIEVES is an action adventure from 1991, in which a warrior returns from the crusades to find his homeland in turmoil. Violence: Scenes include sword fights, fist fights, people being shot with arrows, hands cut off, and people being stabbed. There is occasional sight of blood and injury detail, as well as scenes of ritualistic magic involving blood and human bones. Sexual violence: A man pushes a woman against a table and holds her at sword point while referring to her breasts, and there is a sequence in which a man tries to hurry a marriage in order to rape his wife. He pins her to the floor and uses his legs to push open hers, but another man intervenes before the rape can take place. Language: There is infrequent strong language ('f**k') and use of milder terms, including 'whoring', 'piss', 'bastard', 'bloody', 'bugger', 'hell' and 'God'. There are occasional mild sex references, brief buttock nudity, and scenes of threat.

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Sex & Nudity


Robin Hood is bathing, his bare butt is shown, as he gets out of the lake. Sexual references A soldier attempts to rape a young girl during a battle scene. The Sheriff attempts to rape Maid Marian but Robin Hood stops him. There is no nudity (he is fully clothed while she is wearing a chemise, showing some cleavage).

Violence & Gore


A man falls into a fire, screams, and then rolls over the other side onto the floor. No gore is shown. There's a long fight scene between Robin and Little John, and both fight with sticks and hit and knock each other down. The Sheriff of Nottingham angrily punches a man several times. Robin and Marion briefly fight in a house until both realize who the other is. A man gets shot in the head with an arrow at the beginning of the movie. The pale mutilated corpse of a man can be seen encased within a gibbet hanging very high in the dilapidated ruins of a burned castle. The closeup of this figure is shown comes only the form of a glimpse. Robin kills several guards in a prison in the beginning. There's a large-scale raid in which the Sheriff's soldiers raid Robin's camp. Much sword fighting and death, and Robin and others shoot many men dead with arrows. Huts are cannonballed and fire balled. There's a lengthy rescue sequence near the end in which Robin and his men save several prisoners from being hanged. Several guards are shot with arrows and killed, and there are a few brief sword fights during this scene, and Robin punches a man. In the start of the movie, we see a man's hand getting chopped off (partially offscreen). Blood stains the walls. Crows peck a dead corpse's eyes. A witch is run through the stomach with a spear, and dies. Pretty violent. A man's arm is hacked off (we don't see it onscreen, although a second later we see blood covering his shirt). Robin cuts his hand open after his father's death and squeezes drops of blood out on his grave to pledge his retaliation. A man's eyes are gouged out. Not shown however implied, because his face and eye area is bloody afterwards, he puts a blindfold on to cover it shortly after. There's a lengthy final sword fight between Robin and the Sheriff, and it ends when Robin stabs him and kills him.



3 uses of thank god 1 use of fuck,Jesus and by god 5 uses of oh god 2 uses of for god sakes 1 use of breasts, scum and piss 2 uses of bollocks 9 uses of bloody 5 uses of bastard 4 uses of hell 4 uses of damn 2 uses of my god 6 uses of shut up 5 uses of bugger 1 use of son of a bitch 2 uses of twit

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Friar Tuck is an alcoholic and preaches to his flock about the glory of beer.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The final sword fight is pretty long and intense. Maid Marian is almost raped twice during the movie. The first time she immediately incapacitates the soldier who grabbed her; the second time she is assaulted in a long scene where she screams for help throughout, while her aggressor's reactions are played for laughs. She is ultimately rescued in time but the scene is explicit in content (although there is no nudity) and potentially very disturbing. The witch sacrifices animals using blood-stained knives (though mostly offscreen). She also encourages the Sheriff to violate Marian and jeers during the attempted rape.