Rob Roy (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Rob Roy
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for violence and sexuality.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong violence, sexual violence and sex references

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Sex & Nudity


There are a few sex scenes in this film. Only male nudity is shown. A man goes swimming naked. He is seen walking on the shore to grab his towel. (He is nude, but his genitals have been pixelated out in the DVD.) (If seen on a non-editing TV channel such as HBO, you can briefly see his genitals.) A married couple have sex outdoors. A woman gets raped, it is particularly disturbing because the woman is assaulted very harshly. The man then has rear sex with the woman while another man watches.After he rapes her, he tells her how wonderful she really was. A woman leaving a man's room (presumably after having sex) is stopped on the way out by another man who puts his hand up her skirt and presumably inserts it into her vagina. His finger is wet when he removes it. The protagonist's wife is raped by the villain, who then mocks her. While there is no nudity, the scene is brutal and disturbing. It is later mentioned that the woman is pregnant and doesn't know if the father is the husband or the rapist. SPOILERS: The same man also had consenual sex with a maid servant. but when he finds out she is pregnant he fires her and removes her from the estate. She cries and later hangs herself out of guilt.

Violence & Gore


A number of sword fights (both with brutalities and just for a sport), gun shot wounds, a man is dragged by a horse, a man is choked by a rope, a dead cow is cut open and its innards are removed, as mentioned before a woman is raped. A man is killed with a broadsword chop that splits open his shoulder and goes down through his chest. The wound and his mouth dribble copiously amounts of blood as he dies. A close-up of his upper section shows the wound in graphic detail (meaty flesh and rib are partially visible)



Some crude sexual references

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Characters drink at bars.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The rape may be hard to watch. It is disturbing.