Office Space (1999) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Office Space
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for language and brief sexuality.

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Sex & Nudity


A bit of sexual humour throughout. PG level only some swearing There is a scene in which a woman is shown on a tv kissing another man Drew makes a few moderate sex references A reference to "doing two chicks at the same time". The main character is shown kissing someone At the 14:10 mark, a woman on TV is seen giving herself a breast exam (both of her breasts are fully exposed). There is a dream sequence where an adult male is shown thrusting, only the leg of the female is visible. This movie is made by the creator of Beavis and Butthead, so some sexual references but it a lot more appropriate than Beavis and Butthead (Female breast nudity, not-explicit, played for comedy)

Violence & Gore


Three men destroy a copy machine with a baseball bat. This scene is meant for comical effect. A man dies of a heart attack early in the film. Somewhat humorous in context. A character catches a fish, takes it to his desk, tears off its jaw, and flings it onto a stack of papers. A recently laid-off employee attempts to commit suicide by letting his car run in his garage. He is unsuccessful. The same employee that tries to commit suicide is hit by a drunk driver. He is badly hurt from this. A quiet character makes many threats to "burn down the building". He does so at the end of the movie.



The film's credits soundtrack contains hip hop songs with mild to moderate of profanity. In said hip-hop songs, at the end credits 1 use of crap Lots of language; fuck, shit, ass, asshole, cock gobbler, bitch, pussy and more Another hip-hop song regularly uses the n-word. Most of the films profanity comes from hip-hop songs in the films soundtrack. Some of Mild swearing. 29 uses of "fuck", and 1 use of "shit", "bitch" and "ass". Also contains some mild language (e.g. "shit" "ass" "asshole" etc).

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some recreational drinking, however, the film as a whole does not glamorize substance abuse. Contains a passing reference to a "coke-head", and a man falsely claims to be a crack addict.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


There is a scene where a male is t-boned by a drunk driver, which could be triggering. None of concern.