Point Break (1991) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Point Break
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for violence, language and brief nudity.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong violence and language, and some nudity

BBFC Ratings info
POINT BREAK is a crime drama in which an undercover officer infiltrates a gang of surfers who are robbing banks. Violence: There are several scenes in which people are shot, some of which are accompanied by bloodspurts. There are also scenes in which people fight, and which include blows to the head and body. Language: The film contains strong language ('motherf**ker', 'f**k'). Nudity: There are scenes of nudity featuring a naked woman. There are also moderate sex references.

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Sex & Nudity


We see the silhouette of a woman in the shower through a steamed door. A woman in a bra and thong answers a front door. A man's bare butt is seen when he moons his friends while surfing. A woman's butt is seen A bank robber puts his bare butt in front of a bank worker's face during a bank robbery. A nude woman participates in a fight. Her breasts are briefly seen. She is wearing a thong. There are scenes at certain beaches where women are in bikinis and boys in speedos. Various mild/moderate sexual dialogue throughout. There are some kissing scenes.

Violence & Gore


Utah and Bodhi fight a group of men at the beach. A bank robber torches a gas station. Quite intense but nobody dies. A man threatens a woman with a gun during a raid scene and he is shot in the head by Pappas. Blood is seen A man at a raid is shot in the foot, and the foot bursts open. Not graphic and surprisingly little blood. This is very brief. One of the bank robbery scenes turns into a brief shooting, in which people are shot. Bloody bullet wounds appear briefly, with one wound being very large and somewhat graphic; one person is shot in the back and a tiny amount of blood is seen spraying; a person is seen with a blood soaked shirt when he is wounded and gasping for breath. A man shoots two other men, and both die (bloody). During a raid, Utah is held down to rotating lawn blades. Quite intense. There is an intense raid in which a shootout takes place between cops and suspects. A naked woman fights several of the cops, but is taken down, and a cop chases a suspect outside and fights him. Bodhi is crushed by a major wave while surfing and presumably killed towards at the end of the movie. In a shootout at an airport, three men (Utah's partner and two bank robbers) are killed. Some bloody bullet wounds. Pappas is brutally shot in the back and dies. There is a fight scene between Bohdi and Utah at the end of the movie which is slightly intense.



94 uses of "fuck", 50 uses of "shit", 16 uses of "damn" (15 paired with "God"), 13 uses of "ass" (9 paired with "hole"), 4 uses of "hell", 4 uses of "bitch", 6 uses of "Christ", 5 uses of "Jesus Christ", 1 use of "dick".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


There is a scene where a couple of guys are drinking beer while working on a case During a party, there is alcohol and beer drinking During the raid, there is a guy who pours beer in his cereal. A man reveals a pack of drugs which is crystal meth, very brief.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A man's head is held near a rotating lawnmower. Very intense. The raid scene is intense. The bank robberies are also intense. Tyler is threatened with a knife. She kicks, curses, and screams. Tyler screams at Utah when she believes that her relationship with him isn't working out and she threatens him with a gun. Quite emotional.