Casino (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for strong brutal violence, pervasive strong language, drug use and some sexuality.

BBFC Reason
strong violence CASINO is a US crime drama, from 1995, focussing on Mafia involvement in the casino industry in Las Vegas.

BBFC Ratings info
CASINO is a US crime drama, from 1995, focussing on Mafia involvement in the casino industry in Las Vegas. Violence: Scenes of strong violence include brutal beatings and stabbings featuring blood spurts, and a sequence in which a man's head is crushed in a vice. There are also several shootings, with some sight of bloody injury detail. Other issues include infrequent very strong language ('c**t'), frequent strong language ('f**k', 'c**ksucker'), discriminatory language, a brief sex scene with little detail, a scene of implied oral sex, brief nudity, cocaine misuse, and the abuse of prescription medication.

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Sex & Nudity


A man and woman are seen having sex briefly. No nudity at all, all we see is thrusting, and gasping. They're also very sweaty. The woman is later seen in her underwear. A woman takes off her dress. You see her bare backside and the side of one of her breasts (nipple included). This is less than a second. Two scenes which imply oral sex; neither are graphic, and both scenes cut away before anything happens. Women wear lots of outfits that show cleavage. When a woman is changing clothes you see her butt

Violence & Gore


Several dead bodies are shown with bloody bullet holes. They are surrounded by pools of blood. A dead body has a very bloody chest bullet wound. A pimp is beaten, blood on the nose and mouth. A few bloodless punches and pushes. A woman is shot in the head 3 times. The perpetrator tilts her head to the side and blood is shown coming out of her mouth. A man is shown getting beaten up in an alley. Most of it is offscreen. A car blows up and kills a man inside. A dead couple has very bloody bullet wounds. Two cops shoot a man and we see blood spurts. Blood is shown pooling out onto the side of the road. A man gets briefly injured in a car bombing. Some blood is on his face and his arm is completely burned. A man's hand is slammed viciously with a hammer. Two gangsters are attacked and brutally beaten to death. Bones in one of the victim's bloodied face are heard cracking as he gets repeatedly hit with metal baseball bats whilst helpless on the ground. The same man is thrown into a hole and is buried alive. His brother is screaming and crying throughout the scene. He is then hit on the head with a baseball bat and we see blood gushing out of his forehead. Later we see his entire body covered in blood and bruises. They are both buried (one of which is still alive) and blood and bruises are all over their faces. A man is violently stabbed in the neck with a pen several times (blood briefly squirts in close up) and then kicked multiple times and stabbed some more around the upperbody, he is offscreen after the first 7 stabs. We see the attacker with a bloody pen-holding hand for several seconds. An extremely bloodied and beat up gangster has his head tightened in a vise. It is implied that he was tortured for two days. His eye bloodily pops out of his head for a split-second. Blood briefly spurts from his mouth, running down his cheeks. His throat is then slit with a switchblade (seen from a distance). This scene is graphic and disturbing A man is shocked once with a cattle prod and has his hand smashed a few times with a hammer in close up, he screams multiple times. Blood trickles out of his hand. He has a very bludgeoned wound on his hand and blood is shown on the table. Several shootings, not overly violent, although a few bloody bullet wounds are seen. Two women are included, one is briefly riddled in the chest with bullet wounds and the other is shot in the head a few times with blood dripping out her mouth. The most violent scenes are the brutal beatings A man is hit on the head, and has a bag put over to suffocate in his blood. Near the end of the movie, there is a scene of men being executed by the bosses. Most involve gunshots and are bloody, but brief. Some are very brutal As with most of the violence, the final bat scene is VERY grisly and hard to watch. This scene involves 2 gangsters being beaten to death by other gangsters and being buried (one was still breathing/alive). Not recommended for the faint hearted.



Profanity throughout each scene. 422 uses of "fuck" and most of it comes from Joe Pesci's character One use of "cunt" (non sexually) A few uses of bitch and bitches A few N words

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Cocaine is snorted multiple times, including one case in the presence of a child. Alcohol is occasionally drank. People smoke and drink in bars on several occasions. Frequent cigarette smoking. Robert De Niro's character smokes in nearly every scene he is in. Sharon stones character becomes an alcoholic Sharon Stone's character is a drug addict. She starts off as an alcoholic and then she starts abusing cocaine and prescription pills, and a lot of these are shown throughout. She then overdoses on drugs and dies.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The vice scene is one of the most graphic scenes in the film, as a man's head is forced into a vice and is tightened until his eye pops out, then he begs for death. What makes it even more disturbing is that its based on a real event. A rather disturbing scene is when a man finds his daughter tied up to a bed and locked in her room. Joe Pesci plays a very disturbing character who could become violent at any time he's onscreen. Recommended for 17-18+ The pen scene is rather hard to watch, particularly when the kicking starts, since the attacker is known for hard blows. Ginger and Ace's marriage deteriorates as the film goes on, eventually devolving into abusive domestic arguments. This includes a scene where Ace arranges to have Ginger's friend beaten violently in front of her as she is restrained and screams. Another scene involves Ginger ramming her car into the house and screaming abuse at Ace as she descends into drug addiction. These scenes are emotionally distressing. As with most of the violence, the final bat scene is VERY grisly and hard to watch. This scene involves 2 gangsters being beaten to death by other gangsters and being buried (one was still breathing/alive). Not recommended for the faint hearted.