Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for gore, horror violence, sexuality and language.

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Sex & Nudity


Two women wear sparkly clothing that barely contains their boobs We see a topless woman in the tub. The side of a woman's left breast is seen as she gets out of the tub. However, no real nudity is seen. A woman says maybe she should give a guy a 'freebie'. We hear grunting and moaning as a couple has sex upstairs. A cop finds a couple having sex with the woman on top (no nudity seen). There is a scene with a group of female strippers - all topless and bare breasted. A woman is seen in a shirt and a pair of panties.

Violence & Gore


Multiple demons are shot in the head and the eyes A man is seen in a tub of acid and most of his skin is burned off. A car crashes into another car and there is a huge explosion. A man holds a knife to a woman's throat. A demon's head is sliced off with a machete. Since the body is still alive, a boy picks up the head and sticks the eyes into some antlers. Some demons attack a man and blood sprays all over. A man punches a cop through the mouth and his fist goes entirely through his head. His hand gets caught and he pulls the cop's head off. A man cuts his hand and some green blood comes out that falls on the ground and turns into demons. The demons are shot and stabbed. We see green blood comes out of their bodies. We see a man's bloody decapitated head briefly. A bloody demon grabs a man's face. She rips a woman's arm off. The demon is shot in the back of the head and her eyeballs crawl away. A demon is shot in the head with an arrow. Closeup of a hand being nailed to a cross. A creature reaches out and some blood drops on its hand which burns. We see a man's gory arm wound. A man runs down a flight of stairs but before he manages to escape, the collector shouts to him that he lied and the man is torn apart by demons. Blood is seen spurting from the wounds as he screams. Blood drips down from behind a sheet. Behind it, we see a man's chest being torn apart by demons. A woman straps some grenades to her and blows herself and a cop up to stop some demons. A boy turns into a demon and claws a man's chest. He blows up when he is kicked out a window. A woman covers herself in blood. A demon puts a woman in a bathtub with a bloody head. A woman spits blood onto a demon which melts away his face and causes his body to burst into flames (he turns into a giant winged demon before he blows up). We see a man's bloody chest wound. Although not actually shown, a woman says "You should have seen the look on his face when I buried that axe in his chest," and also "killing him was almost as much fun as sex." A supposedly dead man emerges from an acid bath and makes his way up the stairs to murder a woman while she is in the bath, this is a particularly gruesome scene, particularly one part where his fingers detach from his hand and stick to the banister. This may give young children nightmares.



'Fuck' said several times, other profanities include 'shit, goddamn, damn, bitch, pussy (pun on cat), asshole'. A woman mentions giving a man the finger.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A woman drinks some vodka. A man drinks some alcohol several times including in a bar.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Several scenes where something jumps out to scare someone (demons, a cat). The protagonists find a rather large collection of guns in the home of a recently fired postal worker, possibly meaning that he was planning to attack the post office. Some of the characters deaths can be considerd scary to kids. Scene reminiscent of an acid attack, i.e. searing flesh of the face, becomes more grotesque as burning extends to the rest of the body.