Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 12 Maturity Rating 13+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG-13 for crude humor.

BBFC Reason
moderate sex references, rude humour, comic violence, gore

BBFC Ratings info
ACE VENTURA: WHEN NATURE CALLS is a US comedy sequel, from 1995, in which a pet detective is hired to find a rare white bat, the theft of which threatens the delicate peace between two warring tribes in Africa. Sex: It is implied that a man looks at a woman's bare breasts and later makes a crude comment about them. There is also a suggestion that a man is masturbating. There is comic wordplay when a man mishears the term 'peanuts' as 'penis'. Rude humour: There is moderate visual and verbal rude humour in jokes about spitting as an expression of approval, toilet activities and a shadow puppet of a bird pecking at a man's crotch. Violence: There is moderate comic violence in which a man's crotch is stamped on with a foot, as well as occasional bloody detail. Mild bad language includes uses of 'bastard', 'balls', 'damn', 'butt' and 'hell'.

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Sex & Nudity


A man gets raped by a horny gorilla. (nothing is shown, besides the bushes shaking) While Ace is talking to himself while trying to solve the case, he says "What do the tribe possess that is of great value to other men? Besides the princess with the amazing rack." Not As Crude As The First One. Hump daddy harder ace says Some sexual innuendo. A man and a woman touch tongues. Bare-chested men. A woman tries to seduce Ace but he turns her down, saying he lives a celibate life now. A few minutes later he is seen in shadow making jerking motions and sounds when another man walks in on him. He asks for 10 more minutes alone to finish his "meditations" or he will be cranky. Ace is inside a controllable Rhino. The fan stops working and he get sweaty, and he takes off his clothes. We see him taking off his underwear, and his rear is shortly shown, with his legs in the air. He then wants air, and climbs out of the Rhinos rear, and gets out naked, and his rear is shortly shown more than the previous time. (Not graphic at all)

Violence & Gore


A character fiddles with his eyeball by pushing his finger against it, as a way of tormenting another character. *Nearly all played for laughs* Reckless driving. Lions are shown eating a zebra (Ace has blood on his mouth as he pretends to eat with them.) A man pulls a bloody organ out of another. People hit each other. A man is threatened with knives and guns. A raccoon falls to its death. (death not shown) A character is shot with blowdarts. No blood is shown. A man has a bruised and cut cheek, two tribes begin a war. A character is beaten up and speared in the legs. Mild. A character puts his arm all the way down a mans throat and grabs out an eaten apple, as part of a contest.



4 uses of hell 1 used in subtitles 3 uses of damn 1 use of bastard A couple of mild obscenities. Damn, hell, and bastard are used. (hell is used both hell and Hell)

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


A man is briefly shown with a small glass of whisky. A bird is briefly shown lapping up spilled whisky and getting intoxicated. Men party and a man has 2 men pour wine in his cup. ( About a 1 second scene, very brief)

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A character is chased down in the jungle and shot with poison darts which put him to sleep. The assailants are never shown except for feet beneath foliage and the ends of their blowguns. Slightly intense for younger viewers. A character holds captive and interrogates another man who is roped up to a chair. He holds up a steak knife to his captive, but then it is revealed that he intends to torment him by scraping the blade on a plate. Not very intense. In a spoof of the opening sequence of "Cliffhanger," Ace hangs from a wire trying desperately to save a racoon. His unsuccessful effort might seem tense to younger viewers. A scene where Ace enters a hunter's trophy room (with animal heads on the wall) is shot in such a disorienting way that may prove scary for younger viewers. The first view of the opposing tribe may be scary: It's night and they're dressed in weird costumes and carry sticks with skulls on the ends.