Village of the Damned (1995) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Village of the Damned
MPA: R BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for some sci-fi terror and violence.

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Sex & Nudity


A couple are seen in bed together shoulders and below under covers, man gets up, but nothing shown because he's wearing underpants. Two adult characters kiss, closed mouthed, for around 4 seconds.

Violence & Gore


A man's charred body is seen draped over a barbecue. A man collapses at the wheel of his car and crashes into a field, presumed dead. A woman is informed she's had a stillbirth. No body is seen. A woman puts her arm in a vat of boiling water, burns shown. A woman seen going to jump off a cliff. The jump happens off-screen. A child accidentally gets some sort of acid in her eyes. A woman gets lots of acid in her eyes. A man jumps off a ladder holding a broom and impales himself whilst smashing through a windshield. Blood is shown on his face, not shown on the wound. Not graphic. Blood and his open eyed corpse is seen. A man drives his car into an oil tanker and it explodes. A man shoots himself in the jaw. Nothing seen, only the sound of his gun. A woman is burned alive and her charred corpse is shown. A woman is mind-controlled to lay on an examination table and eviscerate herself with a scalpel. Blood is not seen, but only the scalpel is shown cutting her. Police officers shoot each other and a gun battle commences. A bomb explosion kills one adult and eight children. Children with psychic powers of an unknown origin force adults to harm themselves in a variety of ways.



mild language, no F-words

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Kirstie Alley's character smokes in nearly every scene she's in.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


A dead alien is seen. Quite disturbing. The scariest part of the movie is how intense the children are supposed to be.