Space Truckers (1996) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Space Truckers
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence, sensuality and drug content, and for language.

BBFC Reason
strong sex references, violence

BBFC Ratings info
SPACE TRUCKERS is a sci-fi comedy in which a space transporter pilot discovers that he is carrying a cargo of killer robots. Sex: There are some crude sex references in scenes in which a man who has rebuilt his body attempts to have sex with a woman by activating his prosthetic penis. However, there is no strong detail. Violence: In some scenes, robots attack men, slicing into their heads and bodies, and chopping off limbs. However, injury detail is limited and unrealistic. In one scene, a man punches another man's face, accompanied by brief sight of blood. There is also a scene in which a man threatens to slice off another man's penis with a circular saw. There is some moderate and mild bad language (for example, 'dick', offensive middle finger gestures, 'son of a bitch', 'shit', 'bullshit', 'bastard', 'turds', 'ass', ''crap', 'balls', 'tits', 'screw', 'goddamn', 'damn', 'butt', 'hell', 'God', 'Jesus'). In one scene, a man offers a woman some cocaine, but she refuses to take it.

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Sex & Nudity


Man and woman make out in a spaceship. A woman see in bikini for a long period of time. A robotic man try to kiss a woman her breast nipple slightly visible.(woman wearing a bra). A woman agrees to trade sex for the safety of her group. This involves an extended scene in which she ultimately escapes before completing the act. A man with augmented robotic body parts makes several references to his "reproductive organs" which provides electrical stimulation. In a comic manner, he activates this organ by pulling a starter cord as though he were starting an engine. This is done several times. A man with augmented robotic body parts is seen in full from above, laying on his back naked. Due to the prosthetics nothing explicit is seen, but this is a surprising camera shot nonetheless. A threat is made for punishment of a woman through gang rape, involving hundreds of men. Space pirates threaten to cut off the penises of men whom they capture. This is referenced several times.

Violence & Gore


A man punches another man in zero gravity. He flies through the air and his front teeth float into the room, along with a zero gravity spray of blood. A bar room brawl takes place, with many people being punched. A man gets sucked into space through a hole in the wall, first plugging the hole with his bottom, and then slowly being dragged backwards through the hole by the pressure while screaming. In the opening scene, a robot attacks a large group of soldiers. Firing its laser beam at the men, their bodies are vaporized, leaving behind body parts which the laser did not hit. Severed legs, arms, and brains are shown with an unrealistic gore design. Many open wounds and bodies are strewn around the room. A robot attacks a ship and many crew members. The robot shoots, vaporizes, kicks, stabs, cuts in half, and dismembers many crew members. Dismembered limbs and torsos are seen lying on the deck. A man who has been cut in half is seen lying against a bulkhead with gore spilling out of the bottom of his torso. He briefly engages other characters in a conversation.



Moderate ongoing profanity throughout the film.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Several characters are seen smoking and drinking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The robot attacks in this film are surprisingly violent and graphic for a PG-13 rating. Definitely not material for younger children or sensitive viewers.