Fright Night (1985) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Fright Night
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

BBFC Reason
strong violence, horror

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Sex & Nudity


Movie opens with a lengthy make out scene. Another, shorter but more sensual make out scene later on. A girl takes off her shirt revealing her bra while a neighbor boy watches through her bedroom window. Soon after, her bra is removed to reveal her breasts. A man is seen kissing a woman. She faces the camera as she takes her shirt off, revealing her bra. She then slowly takes her bra off and her bare breasts and erect nipples are clearly seen from close up. About 45 seconds of nudity total. The vampire seduces a teenage girl. The vampire hypnotizes her and grabs her butt and lifts her skirt and rubs the inside of her thigh, almost touching her crotch. No nudity however. That same teenage character is seen in her bra early in the film as well. A prostitute talks to a teenage boy briefly. Her nipples are visible underneath her dress. A teenage girl takes her shirt off and she is seen in her bra. She asks her boyfriend if he wants to make love. A woman is topless in one scene. Movie ends with another (no nudity) make out scene. A grown man (vampire) seduces a teenage girl. They touch each other's legs and buttocks and kiss passionately. It comes across as hypnotic vampire seduction, however it might make viewers uncomfortable due to the girl being a high-schooler/probably underage. There is seemingly no sex involved though. A teenage girl kisses the vampire and she takes her top off. Only her bare back is seen. She later becomes a vampire and her breasts and nipples can be seen through her dress.

Violence & Gore


The vampire rips open a man's neck (blood sprays). The vampire breaks a man's neck. Vampire bites a woman's neck, blood runs down her back. A vampire is stabbed in the heart and begins transforming slowly from a wolf form to a human form with parts of his body turning back to human while his face is still a disgusting wolf hybrid. (Very intense and gory). A vampire melts down after being stabbed in the chest by Charlie. A green slimy substance pours out of him and his body falls apart with his face caving in and his flesh falling off. Sand pours out of him until only his slimy skeleton remains in which he falls and shatters into pieces on the stairs, leaving only his skull. Lots of blood and disgusting gore. (Very gory and disturbing) The vampire takes the shape of a bat and attacks Peter & Charley The vampire is impaled with a stake and his flesh burns off and he catches fire and dies.



Some strong, but infrequent language. 2 uses of f**k

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Casual alcohol consumption is shown.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


More intense and gory than scary. There are especially a couple of scenes at the end of the movie that could be frightening for a 1980's vampire horror movie. A vampire starts to change back from a wolf to a human after being stabbed with a stair banister and we see a human hand form and him covered in in blood, and then another vampire melts with a lot of gore, including with green goo and sand.