Maniac Cop 2 (1990) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Maniac Cop 2
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

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Sex & Nudity


In a morgue: a nude topless woman is shown. A flash back scene of a man (Matt Cordell) taking a shower and he is seen nude from the back side (showing his buttock-crack). Women are seen topless and wearing thongs, in a strip club.

Violence & Gore


Some gore is shown not as bloody as the first. But does have more action. Some of the deaths contain gore most are off the screen A guy is sliced in the hand with a chainsaw. We don't see any wounds, but it's seen slicing into his hand. The Man is stabbed through the neck with a sword. Blood is seen around his wound. In a flashback from the first film, a man is viciously beaten and sliced up in a shower; very bloody. Lots of people are set on fire in the finale. Several people are shot, especially in the infamous "Police Station Massacre" sequence. Most shootings are very bloody and gory. Kill Count:30



13 uses of "f***", at least 5 of "sh**", in addition to some other milder fouls speech.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Nothing major.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Suggested age, (Deleted. You are welcome to include your personal opinions about recommended ages or ratings in the Reviews section.) The massacre scene is fairly intense, as is a car chase in the movie's 1st part. The prison battle at the end is a little intense as well. The movie ends on a jump scare.