Red Dawn (1984) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Red Dawn
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

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Sex & Nudity


It is implied that two women have been raped. An adult magazine is seen for a few seconds.

Violence & Gore


The dead body of a teenager can be seen with blood leaking down his head In many, many scenes people are shot with machine guns, RPG's, pistols, tanks, grenades, and so on. Many are at point blank, or killings of wounded soldiers, and one is a suicide. Most killings are from being repeatedly shot. At the time, this movie broke the record for largest number of violent acts in a film. A deer is killed and a person drinks it's blood. There is lots of violence against teens. A person appears to have a tracker inside him, as a traitor he is executed (this is emotionally intense).



Multiple abuses of "Christ" and "Jesus." Beyond that, some mild language.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Some smoking and drinking, some by teens.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Many scenes are intense, and almost all of the main and side characters have killed someone. There are killings of insolent sand main characters, always quite sad. Teenagers being killed (some in graphic ways) may seem cruel to some. One of the main characters is shot through the chest and is left behind. She hides a grenade under her body and kills a enemy soldier with it (The explosion can be heard but is off screen)