Poltergeist III (1988) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Poltergeist III
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+

BBFC Reason
Contains strong horror and violence

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Sex & Nudity


While in a security room as a prank, Donna and Scott tell their four friends in the swimming pool to "Come out with your hands up and your pants down." Bruce gives Donna and Carol Anne noses kisses at different times. There are some crude sex remarks, with teens and couples. Teens swim naked. (no nudity)

Violence & Gore


Carol Anne smashes a mirror with her ice skates. Decayed corpses are shown. Patricia and Bruce are in the garage being chased by the cars covered in ice and snow. Donna bursts out of Tangina's decayed corpse. Kane has his head chopped off and it melts on the ground. Donna pushes Dr. Seaton, and he is impaled on an elevator and dies.



2 uses of shit 3 uses of damn 1 paired with god 1 use of hell and fuck Uses of "shIt," "fuck," and the phrase "shut up." A teenage boy gives the "middle finger" to a security camera. Name calling ("Ass-hole," "weirdo," "prick" and "freak.").

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Bruce is seen smoking a cigarette at a party. Adults are seen drinking at a party.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Patricia and Bruce enter a freezer and are locked in. Then the dead animals that are hanging upside down there come to life. There are a couple of "jump" scenes throughout. Kane may scare some young viewers. Carol Anne is pulled into the puddle in the parking garage, then Donna and Scott try to help. But they get pulled in by hands, and seconds later Carol Anne is pulled in. Tangina walks with Kane into the light.