Touch of Death (1988) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Touch of Death
BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

BBFC Reason
strong gory violence

BBFC Ratings info
QUANDO ALICE RUPPE LO SPECCHIO is a horror drama in which a killer preys on rich women but leaves a trail behind him for the police to follow. Violence: A man cuts up the naked dead body of a woman with a chainsaw, with lots of bloody spray from the gory open wounds. A woman is struck several times on the head with a baseball bat, with blood spraying up from the impacts, chunks of her face falling off and her bloodied eyeball dropping out. A woman's head is put in a microwave and her skin melts away from her face. A man is run over repeatedly causing his chest to bloodily cave in. Other issues include a strong sex scene as a bare breasted woman lies back on the bed moaning as a man touches and kisses her off screen. There is also some sexualised nudity as women strip to expose their breasts and buttocks for a man to video.

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Sex & Nudity


Throughout the movie Lester watches footage of his victims before murders which contain 2 topless women, second of which is taking a bath and even a glimpse of her vagina is seen at one point. Some mild nudity, a womans nude corpse is seen laying on a table, some brief breast nudity.

Violence & Gore


Few, but very explicit scenes of gory violence. A womans naked corpse is shown on a table. A large chunk of flesh has been carved out of her thigh. A man is seen cooking this piece of meat and eating. The womans head, arms and legs are cut off with a chainsaw (in ultra gory detail) and she is further dismembered offscreen. Her remains are then minced in a meat grinder and fed to some pigs. A woman is brutally bludgeoned with a pipe (or some kind of club?). She is struck in the head, blood flows down her face. She runs from her attacker, but is caught and thrown to the ground. Her face is bashed with the pipe, ripping her cheeks apart and splitting her forehead open with a massive, spurting hemorrhage. A third strike knocks out one of her eyeballs. Her head is then put in a microwave, and in a prolonged scene, it is shown melting and falling apart. The womans body is then placed in a trunk after her feet are hacked off with some kind of bladed instrument. A homeless man is chased by a car and run down. The car runs over and crushes his chest as he spits out a mouthful of blood. The car runs back and forth over the man repeatedly, crushing his chest into a gory pulp of blood and guts. A woman is strangled with a whip. A man is shot in the chest, bloody wounds appear.



Very mild profanity.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Characters casually smoke and drink.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


The murders and violence in the film could disturb some viewers, though the effects are not entirely convincing and the tone of these scenes is often oddly comic. reasonably light in tone, with cheesy lounge music, a lot of black comedy, not a scary film, just very violent.