Live Free or Die Hard (2007) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Live Free or Die Hard
MPA: PG-13 BBFC: 15 Maturity Rating 16+
MPAA Reason
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, language and a brief sexual situation.

BBFC Reason
Contains strong language and violence

BBFC Ratings info
DIE HARD 4.0 is the fourth film in the series of action thrillers in which Bruce Willis once again plays John McClane. In this instalment, he takes on a group of cyber terrorists who are intent on bringing down the US economy. It is rated 15 for strong language and violence. The film contains a number of uses of strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker'). The film features scenes of intense and relentless action violence that will be familiar from previous titles in the DIE HARD series. Although bloody injury is present in a number of these sequences, there is no undue dwelling on the infliction of pain or injury, nor a sadistic edge to the violence, which is used in desperate battles for survival. DIE HARD 4.0 also contains some mild verbal sex references and a brief scene in which ads for websites offering sexual services are displayed on a computer screen, but no graphic detail is present. No-one younger than 15 may see a 15 rated film in the cinema. No-one younger than 15 may rent or buy a 15 rated video or DVD.

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Sex & Nudity


A man and a woman make out in a car briefly. The man tries to put his hand on her chest but she stops him. They are then interrupted. Brief advertisements but nothing explicit is shown. A man and woman kiss passionately.

Violence & Gore


Unrated cut adds a few moments of violence. There is one brutal fight scene in which the main character is forced to fight someone who knows kung fu, and he is beaten up. He is thrown out of a window, but comes back, crashing a car through a wall and hitting his opponent. The opponent is ultimately killed when the car crushes them, and then explodes on them at the bottom of an elevator shaft. A man is shot, and the shooter grabs him and holds him at gunpoint, but he shoots the man through himself, killing the man. A security guard punches McClane in the face, but McClane punches and head butts him, knocking him out. A man shoots at McClane and he returns fire, but the man swings around several fans and pipes in the room and kicks him. McClane breaks a pipe which sprays steam at the man, causing him to fall into one of the grinders in the room and die, though no blood is seen. There's a destructive sequence in which a jet shoots at a truck on a highway while hovering, and a bridge is destroyed, but a man manages to blow up the jet and escape as it it's destroyed. There's a lengthy and intense shootout in an apartment building, and many bullets are traded and much of the building is shot up. McClane shoots a fire extinguisher at a man's feet, which blows him through a window. McClane shoots several men while moving through a building to save his daughter. There's a long and destructive car chase in which several vehicles crash and explode, and one car crashes up through a toll booth and smashes into a helicopter, causing a large explosion.



'F*ck' is almost said but is obscured, paired with 'mother'. 'H*ll' is said nine times. 'Godd*mn' is said ten times. The Lord's name is taken in vain, including 'Jesus' and 'Oh my God' said seven times, 'Jesus Christ' and 'Oh God' said three times, 'Christ' said twice, and 'Oh Jesus' and 'Swear to God' each said once. 'Son of a b*tch' is said once. 'Sh*t' is said 31 times. 'D*ck' is said three times as an insult. '*ss' is said 10 times, including 4 used with 'hole'. 'D*mn' is said five times.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


None noted

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Country in danger. Hostages are taken and threatened. Car crashes, bridges destroyed. Many people killed by explosion. Intense firefights. Country in danger. Car crashes, bridges destroyed. Many people killed by explosion. Also, intense firefights.