Ghost Town (1988) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

Ghost Town
MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+

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Sex & Nudity


A girl starts to take her clothes off and tells a man to touch her. Then they kiss. A man lifts a girl's nightgown and puts his hand on her breast as she pleads with him. No nudity.

Violence & Gore


Shows skeletal remains. Some move and talk. Some people are shot. Nothing too graphic. Dead bodies on the ground. Zombie faces. A zombie face is shot and blood flies out. A man's hands are nailed to a windmill. He is then buried alive. When one mad is shot it shows the exit wound which is somewhat graphic. A man is hit in the chest with a pickaxe. No blood. A man is stabbed in the belly with a hot poker. No blood. A man is strangled to death. Bodies are shown with their throats slit.

Scattered profanity throughout. Not a whole lot. Mostly mild. At least one "f" bomb.

People drink at a bar.