Legend (2015) - Parents Guide Movie Rating

MPA: R BBFC: 18 Maturity Rating 18+
MPAA Reason
Rated R for strong violence, language throughout, some sexual and drug material.

BBFC Reason
very strong language, strong violence Identical twin gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray terrorize London during the 1960s.

BBFC Ratings info
LEGEND is a drama telling the story of gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray Language: Very strong language ('c**t') is often aggressive and/or accompanied by violence. There is also frequent use of strong language ('f**k'). Violence: There are scenes of strong bloody violence, including a sequence in which a man is repeatedly stabbed resulting in copious bloodshed, a scene depicting a gang fight using hammers and knuckle dusters, and a torture scene in which a man is hung upside down and electrocuted. There is also a scene of implied sexual violence. There are strong sex references and a suicide scene.

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Sex & Nudity


Occasional strong hetero- and homosexual discussion, descriptions and joking. Some sexual scenes on a TV in the background. One scene of an offscreen rape. An intoxicated man pushes a woman around and violently forces her to the floor. The scene ends here. It is unexpected and casts a dark tone.

Violence & Gore


Reggie and Ronald are engaged in a bar fight with Charlie Richardson's minions. Ron uses a hammer to break everyone's legs which is quite violent. Reg uses brass knuckles. Violent threats made to other characters, some appearing comedic as part of the cockney personality. Brutal fistfights throughout, some containing the use of hammers and other tools, seeing the impact. Bloody results. There is a fight between 2 main characters, pushing around a room, hitting each other hard and knocking over tables and other items. Again with bloody results. There is a fatal shooting in a bar. A man walks purposefully into the bar, gun in hand. It was revealed beforehand that he was intending on killing another man. He walks straight up to the man and shoots him in the head. Blood sprays all over the wall behind him and appears on his face. He freezes for a moment, still smiling and then collapses dead. The most brutal scene of violence in the film is near the end, where a character is stabbed what seems like 15-20 times very quickly, all over his body, with the majority of it in full, close view. Very bloody, intense and unsettling. Not for the faint-hearted. A man is punched in the nose for stealing. Nothing graphic. A man is hung up by his feet with electrodes attached to his nipples. He is beaten and electrocuted several times. A man is hit by a car. There is a barroom brawl involving hammers and brass knuckles. Lots of violence, not all that bloody. An inmate is beaten by police. Bloody results



155 uses of the word "fuck", around 8 uses of the word "cunt". Other English profanity is used ("wanker", "twat", etc).

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


Almost constant smoking from most characters. General beer/spirits drinking. One character takes prescription pills often. A main character dies from an overdose which happens offscreen. It can be stressful to viewers who have dealt with addiction-related trauma.

Frightening & Intense Scenes


Some intense confrontations between characters. One character appears rather unhinged and can be quite aggressive and threatening. Ron may scare some viewers. The implied rape scene and stabbing scene. See Violence section.